This is the Message Centre for Yarreau

Special season?

Post 241


smiley - yikes I hope she's all right!

(There's something for you, too. You'll have to wait until I bring it over there, though! smiley - ok)

Special season?

Post 242


So, have you made a full recovery from your ordeal in the snowy land of Lower Saxony, being poked by teenagers, sat on by giant hairy beasts, and eventually going cuckoo? smiley - biggrin

Special season?

Post 243


smiley - laugh The poking was a kind of old joke (not sure how it started now), but yes - she took to it with great alacrity!

Thanks though, it was great. It's a lovely spot. Does it feel any warmer there? I think I brought some of the cold air back! smiley - brr

(And my dog seems even tinier still, now. smiley - laugh)

Special season?

Post 244


Oh, because my dog is so huge? smiley - cool

Minus 13°C right now, you seem to have taken what little warm air we had left... smiley - raisedeyebrow

Mala started the poking about twelve years ago... she named one of her pencils "Pokey", and no-one has been safe ever since. smiley - wah

Special season?

Post 245


Yes - such a ferocious beastie! smiley - laugh

Special season?

Post 246


I've just shown this to the curly one, but I'm sure you'd appreciate (if that's the right word...) the true horror of it:

smiley - yikes

Try not to have nightmares...

Special season?

Post 247


The physical ordeal that this poor thing has suffered through is bad enough, but - where the heck is her present? smiley - giftsmiley - shrug

Special season?

Post 248


A very good question!

Special season?

Post 249


Just thought I'd let you know that herself is safe and sound despite the perils of Ryanair. Last seen leaving the station to go and meet smiley - ghost.

Oh, and the chap she met didn't look much like an axe-murderer, by the way! smiley - biggrin

Special season?

Post 250


Oh no, then he must be a homicidal maniac! They all look just like regular people... smiley - yikes

Thanks for letting me know! So I take it you went to meet her at the station? smiley - jestersmiley - bus

Special season?

Post 251


Oh, I think smiley - jester could deal with him easily, if needs be. smiley - winkeye

Yes, she had a couple of hours to wait, so I popped by to say hello. smiley - ok

Special season?

Post 252


smiley - goodluck tomorrow. "Big doctor's appointment" does sound too important to miss if at all possible.

But still, you're right about eking out that return journey! smiley - winkeye

Special season?

Post 253


Thanks! But no big deal, just my routine post-cancer checkup. If they don't find anything bad, I am going to give up my job after Christmas!

Special season?

Post 254


I hate the routine check-ups. Well, no. I hate those waiting rooms, you know what I mean? And those magazines...smiley - wah

There should be more Loriot in waiting rooms, I think.

Special season?

Post 255


Do you know the cartoon "Herman"? When I had to undergo divorce mediation with the Sistabarista's father, I spent long periods of time in the waiting room while he was in the mediator's office, yelling and cursing at her. Luckily, they had a whole stack of "Herman" books, which almost made it worth my while... smiley - winkeye

Special season?

Post 256


smiley - laugh I don't know Herman - but I certainly sympathise! I didn't realise I'd ignored that last post, sorry. smiley - grovel

No doubt you know more than me, but she seemed quite happy with the interview. I didn't hear much more than that, though. smiley - ok

Special season?

Post 257


No, I don't know a thing, haven't heard from her at all. At this point, I'm just wondering whether she got back home in one piece. But then, of course, it's an hour earlier over there. And I don't even know her flight schedule, only that she had to get from one belfast airport to the other by bus.

And I'll get that passport story out of one of you eventually... smiley - laugh

Special season?

Post 258


Nah, she'll be grand. I don't think she was finished til after 5, then she'd have needed a fair train ride, the flight, the bus, and then the drive back to the house. And add a possible half-hour wait between each of those things and I'm sure we'll see her before the weekend! smiley - biggrinsmiley - hug

Oh...I didn't realise you really didn't know what I meant about the passport story. If anything, *you* should be the one to tell that story... smiley - whistle

...But the profanity filter mightn't allow it.

Special season?

Post 259



If you're alluding to that "GFA" thing, that was not at the passport controls. It was at the office of the INS in Portland, Oregon! smiley - tongueout

BTW, the Eagle HAS just landed.

Got a message on Skype: "Mann, bin ich fertig!" smiley - laugh

Special season?

Post 260


Details, details! smiley - tongueoutsmiley - laugh

See? Told ya. She's indestructible. smiley - cool

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