The h2g2 Post 17.03.25

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 17th March 2025

This week's title is On a Clear Day, You Can See All Sorts of Things. Clockwise from upper left: Title, a large, friendly-looking dragon from the adventure playground, with his undulating, rubber-tire-like tail behind him, the Avon River with some swans on it at Stratford, UK, a steep, snow-covered glacier in Iceland, a wispy cloud above a Scottish town, a lined-up row of yellow flashed in Liverpool, with one out of alignment, two starlings in Pennsylvania staring at the camera from their perch in a winter bush, a main street in Chicora, PA, which goes straight up a steep hill, the dragon again, and a grey moth with very big eyes on its wings, from South Africa.

Is it spring yet? Let's see. Around here the sun has actually put in an appearance. In the neighbour's yard, a mischievous crow stalked around, waited until I'd set up my camera, then immediately flew off. He knew what he was doing. The voice of the chainsaw is heard in the land. Daylight Savings Time has caused the usual sleep deprivation. Have I mentioned the sun is out?

So yeah, spring has crept up on us. We have pictures.

We have birds. And moths, a whole extravagant profusion of them from Willem, who of course isn't experiencing the approach of spring but of fall. (This is our public service announcement in support of the spheroidal Earth.) Anyway, don't miss the moths: they're gorgeous. So is Paigetheoracle's very friendly-looking dragon from the kids' adventure park. Not all of our critters fly, or are even real, but we.don' Enjoy them. Send more.

Speaking of sending things, you people: I want grandmother stories! I was asked to issue this challenge, and I did, and my inbox has been conspicuously free of grandmother-related material. So cough up the anecdotes.

If y'all don't write more, do you know what you get? Moi. Yes, that's right: more fiction, essays, things I found behind history's sofa, and, oh, yeah, those prompt-word stories I write on social media every morning so my ancient brain doesn't freeze up on me. So send more Stuff. That's an order.

Be sure to patronise Bluebottle's comic. The ecumenical conference on the Isle of Wight gets more interesting by the week. Also, you won't see artwork like this anywhere else. You've heard of cubism? This isn't it. It's Bluebottleism.

Speaking of unique approaches to art, I've got a new limited-series comic starting this week (if Netflix can do it. . . ) called Politics, Jehu-Style. It's based on material from a very respectable source.

Please help us out by reading, leaving comments where you can, and posting our stuff to your friends and casual online acquaintances. Have a good week out there. Go and appreciate some spring phenomena.

Dmitri Gheorgheni

Cover for Life in Potentia, DG's new book, available from Lulu.Cover for A Crime Has Been Committed, the latest omnibus book, available from Lulu.Cover for A Trio of Tales, Paulh's new book, available from Lulu.
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Quote of the Week:
Tried to google the word count of On the Road.

AI Overview: 'On the Road consists of three words. On, the, and road.

Isaac Fitzgerald

Grandmothers through the decades, by DG.

March 2025 Create Challenge:
Grandmother's World

Video Extra:
Chainsaw v Birds
Click here in Ripley

Swans of Avon

Swans of Stratford, by  Galaxy Babe.



Obligatory Cat

TJ the cat with one eye open, by DG.


Lentil Face
(More Pareidolia)

Face SashaQ saw in a lentil.

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