Edited Guide Writing Workshop
Peer Review
| Edited Guide Writing Workshop
| Alternative Writing Workshop
Flea Market
| Updating an Approved Entry

Welcome to the Edited Guide Writing Workshop (EGWW), one of several Review Forums on h2g2. If you've written something that you'd like to see in the Approved Guide, but which is definitely not ready for Peer Review, you've come to the right place.
Here in the EGWW, you can:
- Ask for comments on how to improve your entry.
- Find other Researchers to collaborate with on your entry.
- Get advice on putting your entry through the Peer Review process.
- Ask for help adhering to the Approved Guide's Writing Guidelines.
- Get help with GuideML, if you use it.
The EGWW relies on experienced writers to provide newer Researchers with feedback on their entries. If your skill lies in reviewing and giving constructive feedback, this is a place where you can really help.
Note that the EGWW is not a place for works of fiction – please submit those to the Alternative Writing Workshop.
Submitting an Entry to the EGWW
When you submit your entry, please indicate why you've submitted it and what sort of help you're looking for.
To put an entry into the EGWW, click on the 'Submit for Review' link to the right of the entry and follow the instructions, choosing 'Edited Guide Writing Workshop' from the drop-down menu. If you cannot find the 'Submit for Review' link, check that the 'Not for Review' box (visible when working on the entry) isn't ticked.
Approved Entries, Help Pages, Personal Spaces, entries already in a Review Forum and entries labelled Not for Review cannot be submitted. Also, we'd ask that you don't submit other Researcher's entries unless you've got a good reason.
What Happens After I Submit My Entry?
Once you've submitted your entry to the EGWW, other Researchers will be able to comment on it and provide you with the help you've requested.
Entries are not picked from the EGWW, so it's up to you to remove your entry and submit it to Peer Review once you think it's ready for the Approved Guide. To remove your entry from the EGWW, find it in the list below and click on the X next to it. Doing so does not delete your entry, but simply allows you to re-submit it somewhere else. Once you've done that, you can submit it to Peer Review using the 'Submit for Review' link to the right of the entry.
Alternatively, if you're absolutely certain that you no longer want to work on your entry, you may wish to submit it to the Flea Market so that another Researcher can work on it. To do this, remove your entry from the EGWW as before, then submit it to the Flea Market using the 'Submit for Review' link to the right of the entry.
The EGWW aims to be a friendly environment where newer users can get help with their entries, and so there's no pressure for you to work on other users' suggestions immediately. However, if a Researcher appears not to have visited h2g2 for several months, their entry may be moved to the Flea Market so that someone else can pick it up and finish it. If the Researcher later returns, they can always pick it up again and work on it themselves.
What if your Entry is Moved Here?
If one of your entries is moved here from Peer Review, it's because the Community has decided that it isn't currently suitable for Peer Review – this may be because it does not meet the Approved Guide's Writing Guidelines. The EGWW is a good place to discuss how to improve your entry and make it suitable for the Approved Guide, following which you can resubmit it to Peer Review.
Entries in Review
Subject | Author | Date Entered | Last Posted |
A87780946 -Statistical Perils in Hitchhiking; Part One Regression to the Mean | BeowulfShaffer | Dec 28, 2012 | Dec 28, 2012 |
A4180060 - The Planet of Texas | bdcted3 | Jan 14, 2006 | Dec 28, 2012 |
A3891837 - John Wycliff: Mornings Star of the Reformation | dim26trav | Nov 11, 2005 | Jun 10, 2014 |
Review Forum
Write an Entry
"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."