A Conversation for An Introduction to Scrying

A9208659 - The Art of Scrying

Post 21


oops must put my glasses on ! smiley - ta

A9208659 - The Art of Scrying

Post 22


I think I've got all the mistakes now?

A9208659 - The Art of Scrying

Post 23

aka Bel - A87832164

<./>A9208659 </.>

I think Gnomon suggested a semicolon here .
dreams, some -dreams; some...
And you missed a fullstop after use ( it wrapped at all other times when not in use )
and I think
ie mineral or spring, water
should be : mineral- or spring water.

Not too sure about the last one, though. Apart from that, I can't spot any other mistakes. smiley - smiley
The question has already been asked : what do you 'charde' the crystal ball with ? Energy ? Light ? Would be nice if you could elaborate that a bit smiley - smiley

A9208659 - The Art of Scrying

Post 24


smiley - ok

A9208659 - The Art of Scrying

Post 25

Wilma Neanderthal

Yowza, Serephina, move over, I'm incoming!! Excellent entry smiley - ok

Here's my nitpicks:

smiley - magic pleasent-smelling smiley - run pleasant
smiley - magic astrolgical symbols smiley - run astrological
smiley - magic ie smiley - run ?? should this have fullstops? It doesn't look quite right like that.

Love this entry despite being a sad fullblown cafflick</>
smiley - winkeye


A9208659 - The Art of Scrying

Post 26


smiley - cheers Wilma.
I think it's usually ie rather than i.e in entries intended for the edited guide but I may be wrong.

A9208659 - The Art of Scrying

Post 27

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - blushsmiley - ok

A9208659 - The Art of Scrying

Post 28

Trin Tragula

(You're not wrong smiley - winkeye)

A9208659 - The Art of Scrying

Post 29


Im actually rightfor once? yay maybe all the advice in here has been sinking in after all ..Mr Dreadful will be pleased smiley - winkeye

A9208659 - The Art of Scrying

Post 30

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Are Pagans all practitioners of magical arts? Is that part of the belief system or is it that some Pagans also believe in the magical stuff?

Just curious smiley - smiley

A9208659 - The Art of Scrying

Post 31


I don't think all do..

A9208659 - The Art of Scrying

Post 32

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

The first sentence sort of implies that they do:

"used commonly by Witches and other practioners of magical arts such as Pagans."

Perhaps it would be better to remvoe the reference to them and and the sentence after arts?

A9208659 - The Art of Scrying

Post 33

Dr Hell

"I just want you to think abbout the way you worded your criticism."

Thank you very much B'Elana. So anyone who is not soft and fluffy will be an aggressive type with the charm of a concrete mixer. I can live with that.


(I have no problem with this eventually going into EG)

#2 BUT...

smiley - star This Entry is about some kind of superstitious thing which I would call hokuspokus. (If you were a tolerant person, would leave me with my opinion.)

smiley - star Some people (not me) may be in doubt whether this is real or not. They might read this and even go out and buy all the gizmos recommended, load them under full-moon light, and try to figure out the next numbers in the lottery.

smiley - star I acknowledge that it is hard to write about something intrinsically non-factual. I was just suggesting that *instead* of weaseling *all* passages out (which would affect the reading flow and the quality of the text), a small disclaimer-ish phrase in the beginning of this Entry would be enough.


"I was just thinking about other people who might be reading this... People who think this hokus-pokus might actually work beyond the level of - how do I call it - 'subjective perception'.<< Meaning what ? That you are the only person who can read this and put it off as 'hokus-pokus', and every other reader is a potential victim ?"

I am certainly not the only one who thinks this is all mumbo-jumbo (but hey - *that* is not the problem). And I wouldn't say *victim*. I just think that some people might not be entirely aware that this does not work for *real*. They're not going to get the lottery numbers. What they will (perhaps) get is some 'subjective perception' - that might be totally uncorrelated with the actual future.

Next thing:

If discussions become quite heated when it comes down to... for example "Evolution versus Creationism", where both sides have their own debatable merits, why is it so hard to put in a small passage into this Entry, just stating that the entire subject is debatable? It's not going to do anyone harm, just clear things up for readers, saying hey, there are people out there who think this is not necessarily factual.


A9208659 - The Art of Scrying

Post 34

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

*sneaks back in and rearranges the v and the o and swaps an a for an e*

A9208659 - The Art of Scrying

Post 35


Can I ask a technical question? If the answers from the ball are from your own subconscious, does this limit the applications to "reading your own mind" - ie no telling of the future, no seeing into other people's heads etc?

Just curious smiley - smiley

A9208659 - The Art of Scrying

Post 36

Gnomon - time to move on

From what I've read, the magic users believe that they have the ability to read the future and to see into other people's minds, but the crystal ball or blackened mirror helps them focus these abilities.

A9208659 - The Art of Scrying

Post 37


The Tarot works in a simillar way lucky star.. people are more accepting of that strangly though!

I'll have a look at that sentance kelli smiley - ta

A9208659 - The Art of Scrying

Post 38

Gnomon - time to move on

>>people are more accepting of that strangly though

You think??!

A9208659 - The Art of Scrying

Post 39


I'd expect someone who accepted one would accept the other...

A9208659 - The Art of Scrying

Post 40

aka Bel - A87832164

Re. post 33
>>(If you were a tolerant person, would leave me with my opinion.)<< where did I say that I wanted you to change your opinion ? I only asked you to think about your wording when commenting.
I don't believe in scrying, but then I don't believe in god, either. I'm curious, would you call the belief in god 'superstitous'? Would you call the Lord's Supper' Hokus Pokus, or mumbo-jumbo ?

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