A Conversation for Identifying British Birds - Part 1

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A87916107 - Identifying British Birds - Part 1

Post 1


Entry: Identifying British Birds - Part 1 - A87916107
Author: Paigetheoracle - U15002949

This is the first of three parts, detailing ways to identify British birds, mostly by appearance. This section covers birds of prey, scavengers and game birds mostly but also covers related species. I have excluded those birds or bird families that could confuse the learner because of similarity of appearance.

A87916107 - Identifying British Birds - Part 1

Post 2


Did you mean to put this in the Writing Workshop when Part 2 and 3 are in Peer Review?smiley - huh

If this is here accidentally and you can't find the 'Remove' button on the Writing Workshop page, let me know.smiley - ok


A87916107 - Identifying British Birds - Part 1

Post 3


Yes it is in the wrong placesmiley - wahWill try to fix it myself, based on your information (obviously hit the wrong button or none at all)smiley - sadface

A87916107 - Identifying British Birds - Part 1

Post 4


No, can't do it and can see how to remove it although I have tried. Still there and when I try to create a fresh version, it won't let me (perhaps I should doctor the title slightly?)smiley - erm

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Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A87916107 - Identifying British Birds - Part 1

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