A Conversation for Digital Pocket Cameras.

Bridge versus SLR

Post 1

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Bob, a very good start to an entry. However I think the text needs a great deal of polish. I like the premise, but there are way too many typos and I’d almost be rewriting it to correct them all. Below are a few, and that is only in the first two paragraphs. Please could you let us know when it’s been tidied, and then we can have another look at it. But a great starting point. Looking forward to the polished entry. smiley - cheers

smiley - mod: However this lens is interchangeable there with a huge variety starting with wide angle, to extreme telephoto.
smiley - biro: “However this lens is interchangeable with a huge variety starting with wide angle, to extreme telephoto.”

smiley - mod: This gives the user a vast scope however this does come at a price, this is the expensive end of the hobby.
smiley - biro: “This gives the user vast scope. However, this does come at a price and is the expensive end of the hobby.”

smiley - mod: The operation is very similar to bridge camera but using the old method to allow the user to see through the cameras lens.
smiley - biro: “An SLR’s operation is very similar to bridge camera but the photographer uses the viewfinder to see through the camera’s lens when taking a photograph.”

smiley - mod: There is mirror 2 thats directs the image up into a second mirror, this mirror is lined up with the eyepiece of the viewfinder.
smiley - biro: “There is a mirror 2 that directs the image up onto a second mirror. This mirror is lined up with the eyepiece of the viewfinder.”


smiley - musicalnote

Bridge versus SLR

Post 2

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

The two entries are:
87848905 The Digital Bridge Camera
87848996 The Digital Single Lens Reflex Camera

(I also think the entry for the DSLR should be amended as above to match the Bridge entry)

Cannon is Canon, btw.

smiley - ok


smiley - musicalnote

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