A Conversation for

The Musicians Guild Ignoring People

Post 1

Fragilis - h2g2 Cured My Tabular Obsession

It isn't intentional, I assure you. I started the Musicians Guild long ago as a volunteer project. Now I'm in my final months of college and I just don't have the time to update the Guild pages. In fact, I'd hardly visited h2g2 in months before about a week ago.

Before I gave up on updating the Guild pages, I put out numerous requests for volunteers. I've gotten very few responses. The ones I've gotten have all been from people who either didn't follow through or who started monstrous projects and then left me to deal with the fallout when they became busy or got disappointed by a lack of response to their concepts.

Meanwhile, the actual Guild Members haven't seemed to be doing much. Most members seem content to have their name stuck on a page, and that's it. When somebody asks for help or advice or tries to start a conversation, they usually get no answer. I've had to ask myself what exactly the Guild is for if 75+ plus members can't be bothered.

In the end, I've abandoned the Guild. And that's meant ignoring new members. It's nothing personal. It's just that when push came to shove, my full-time job and graduating college had to come first.

If anyone here thinks they can responsibly take up the simple, relatively boring task of updating the Musicians Guild pages, they can visit my homepage and click on my email address to contact me. I'll hand over the passwords to access and update the pages.

The Musicians Guild Ignoring People

Post 2

Rat, who can't remember his way round this bloody thing.

have you seen my guild? I'm even ignoring ignored musicians...beat that smiley - winkeye

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