A Conversation for Jaberwocky and Lord of the Rings.

LotR Cast (partial)

Post 41


Hmm....I suppose you are correct. Has anyone ever said, "What kind of books do you like???" So ofcourse you mention LOTR , and the opposing party answers,"Oh, I read that before but I don't remember any of it!" Baah, now all those shmucks will be able to quote horrendously wrong facts of Elijah. A blessing or a curse?

I've always been fond of the LOTR animation series.

LotR Cast (partial)

Post 42


Whenever something is poularised there will be individuals who feel alienated because everyone is getting into what they were into first. This is all very well but if you are that worried about it just don't watch the movie and react violently if anyone brings it up in conversation. That way everyone will think you are a fruit loop and try not to bring Lotr up anymore. I'm going to watch and enjoy the movies and suspend the expectations I have formulated from reading the books. I am going to try and avoid finding too much out about what they're doing beforehand (this shouldn't be too hard as the members of the cast that I know are under quite full on confidentiality contracts) and I am certainly not going to change my opinion of the book just because someone happened to make a crap movie about it.
But fear not. i have every confidence that Peter Jackson is the right man for the job and that he is the right man to pick the right people for the cast. So everybody chill out and give the poor guy a chance instead of shooting down his movie a year before it's even made. I've seen Hobbiton in real life. it's cool. This movie is probably going to rock.

LotR Cast (partial)

Post 43


P S: Yes you can have a smoke if you promise to chill out and stop being so anal.

Lord of the Rings

Post 44

Researcher 121652

Yeah, but i hope, Peter Jackson chooses an other style for the Lord of the Rings than for his other films. smiley - winkeye
(TLOR in the style of braindead? Ugh, not so good! Imagine the battle of the fife armies from "The Hobbit" in such a bloody style!

greetings Maresi

lord of the rings

Post 45


hopefully the battles will be suitably bloody but I think with a bit more budget (several million more dollars, for instance) I think peter jackson will be able to do a pretty good job of making it look realistic (realistic fantasy, hmmmm...).
I already know that they've scouted out some wicked locations...

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