A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop

A4162321 - Four Small Poems Entitled 'Love'

Post 61


Ah! Dear UG Eds and (especially) Frontiersman, Pinniped, Morph and (even more especially) Waz, thank you so much for your encouragement, participation, support and enthusiasm!

I am (and all the kindred souls are) flattered, honoured and, okay, let's just admit it, downright excited to be featured on the front page. (I have shared the good news and all the attending commentary with as many of the 'smelly bohemians' as I could get to sit still long enough to hear it.)

I (we) hope that this may draw in a few others to join in the fun.

smiley - cheers and thankyouthankyouthankyou to you all.


A4162321 - Four Small Poems Entitled 'Love'

Post 62

Phred Firecloud

Gosh this is cool technology. To think I started out before TV with a crank-up telephone phone and now I can edit internet things at the direction of a person in England (?) from a campground in Elephant Butte, New Mexico...a link it shall be.

A4162321 - Four Small Poems Entitled 'Love'

Post 63

LL Waz

Wow smiley - biggrin, the www at its best. Pixels, or something, whizzing round the earth smiley - smiley.

(There's actually place called Elephant Butte?)

A4162321 - Four Small Poems Entitled 'Love'

Post 64

Phred Firecloud

Yes..Elephant Butte lake is in the high desert surrounded by soft sandstone mesas. It's four miles north of Truth-or-Consequences, New Mexico.

Suppose it could have been Elephant Butt.

A4162321 - Four Small Poems Entitled 'Love'

Post 65

LL Waz

Sounds good. Truth-or-Consequences is a pretty neat name too.

It is England by the way, though very nearly in Wales. The village is on a gravel ridge left by a glacier and overlooks the Shropshire plain, once the bed of a gigantic glacial lake. I like the place much better for knowing that, and I wouldn't have found that out but for writing it up for this place.

A4162321 - Four Small Poems Entitled 'Love'

Post 66


Waz is very modest though Phred; she actually lives in a very beautiful English county: Shropshire, formerly (and sometimes still today) called Salop. And we live in its immediate northern border neighbouring county of Cheshire; in its own low-key agrarian English way, almost as beautiful!

Nowhere near as spectacular as New Mexico though! What do you say Waz?

smiley - biggrin

A4162321 - Four Small Poems Entitled 'Love'

Post 67


Hi poetique,

Your fellow countrym...oops!
Your friend and mine, Phred, is entertaining us royally with his travelogue of New Mexico.
I, for one, would dearly like to see all his writings and associated links drawn together as an Edited Guide Entry. And I am 'certain sure' that a number would unofficially second that aim.

Your own current AWW Entry deserves its enhanced status. And I would like to see more of this kind of participatory 'effort' if only for the fun of the game!


A4162321 - Four Small Poems Entitled 'Love'

Post 68


Yes! I agree with you, frontiersman. Twice.smiley - biggrin

smiley - rose!

And here's a smiley - rose for you, too, poetique - and some smiley - bubbly

Helensmiley - biggrin

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