A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop

A1288587 - The springtime of my death.

Post 1


Entry: The springtime of my death. - A1288587
Author: nadia - U226818

Thanks to Spynxx for reminding me of this.

The previous AWW thread is at F150058?thread=341691


A1288587 - The springtime of my death.

Post 2


As a young man, idealistic as only the innocent can be, I wrote of love and life, of things felt rather than seen. I wrote of such which stirred the soul and caused me to chase dreams, all with a heart made light with emotion. Having felt such a love forever changed me.

I feel all of that here, in this tale of a love both true and timeless. Emotion such as this cannot be faked nor manipulated, it's purity rising above what can be looked upon in any rational manner. It vanquishes all reason, erases all doubts, heals all wounds and carries a bond which transends time itself. True love beyond reproach. And it is most assuredly here, before your very eyes. Take note of it, for it is a rare and precious thing indeed.smiley - rose

Thanks to you dear Nadia, for this is a gift indeed

Spynxxxsmiley - fullmoon

A1288587 - The springtime of my death.

Post 3


Hey Spynxxx, you shouldn't say such nice things. You made me blush!

I still think it's a bit light, more of a line drawing than an oil painting. But the redraft at least gave it a semblance of a point so I'm not entirely dissatisfied with it.

Critical feedback is, as ever, encouraged.

Thanks again Spynxxx, I'm very glad you liked it enough to remind me of it.


A1288587 - The springtime of my death.

Post 4


You're pretty special at this, you know that. You're probably the best here when it comes to writing with atmosphere.

I think I'm missing something here, though. The title doesn't seem to fit, which is usually a sure sign that I haven't got the message.

(Pedantic - but there's a 'visit' about two-thirds through that should be visited)

A1288587 - The springtime of my death.

Post 5


Mmm, compliments smiley - biggrin.

Visited corrected, thanks Pin.

The title was taken from the letter that it is based on. It's nothing very clever. Just that it's an age gap relationship and the narrator is old when it starts. It's, y'know, a beginning tied with an end and all that.


A1288587 - The springtime of my death.

Post 6

UnderGuide Editors

This entry has been picked by the UnderGuide miners and accepted by the editors for inclusion in the h2g2 <./>UnderGuide</.>. It will be featured on h2g2's front page in due course and then be displayed on the shelves of the UnderGuide Archives at A2112490 and the official archives at C1233.

Congratulations nadia, wish you were around to read this. Hope it won't be too long before you are.

On behalf of the UnderGuide, thank you smiley - bubbly.

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