A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop

A2398584 - Hyperstasis

Post 1


Entry: Hyperstasis - A2398584
Author: dancingBuddha - U238893

A shot at a nearly uninterpretative description of a summer night. The only piece of Zen-like writing i have done.

A2398584 - Hyperstasis

Post 2


Update: renamed to 'Everness'. Thought it was closer to home. Maybe.

-- db

A2398584 - Hyperstasis

Post 3


I like it lots smiley - smiley

smiley - panda

A2398584 - Hyperstasis

Post 4

LL Waz

I couldn't begin to comment on that, I can only give reactions. It gave me a few butterflies reading it. It brought back memories. It's not a British summer night.
Thankyou for that one dancingbuddha.

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