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The rain drips into my thoughts
They shiver and shrink inward
Like a reticent butterfly.
Voices drone on the tin sheets of my ears
and fall off dry;
Nothing leaks in.

Where is the rattling fan?
Where lurks the overpowering ennui?
Drowsiness creeps up my spine…
Joined only by screeching crickets
picking apart the entangled visions
Weaving a riotous, tiresome confusion

And silence breaks the monotony of sounds;
A distant bus lumbers past,
The road bringing noises in Dolby Surround
Tonight misses Hitchcock; uninteresting silence
rends the expectant air; nothing’s happening
Only the clocks haven’t stopped

Can’t wake up; the dream’s real
Everything moves in stillness
An orchestra of dogs sets up a symphonic howl
But the moon’s hiding – or is it the
clouds that hide in the moonshade?

The rain drips on… and a butterfly screams

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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