A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop

A14049669 - The wick end of candles at the close of a long night

Post 21

UnderGuide Editors

Hi ianhimself, you've had a lot of appreciative comment for this entry, and not surprisingly. Writing this good does get commented on. Now it's the <./>underguide</.>'s turn.

The Miners selected this in the September round to go into the UnderGuide which will get it a feature on h2g2's Front Page. An UnderGuide Polisher will contact you about any final polishing before creating a UG copy of the entry for that purpose.

We usually wait a few weeks before putting an entry on the Front Page that has recently been in the Post, in order to catch newreaders on the site, but it will get there.

Many thanks and a congratulatory smiley - bubbly,

A14049669 - The wick end of candles at the close of a long night

Post 22

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

Writing this good needs to be showcased.

A14049669 - The wick end of candles at the close of a long night

Post 23


Thanks very much for your encouraging words. Hopefully I can keep on producing!

smiley - cheers

A14049669 - The wick end of candles at the close of a long night

Post 24

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - magic great news!


A14049669 - The wick end of candles at the close of a long night

Post 25


Hi Ian!
I've taken a cloth to your piece and given it a slight polishing. The UnderGuide version of your piece is at A16832117.

I made a couple of very minor changes, and I used the old trick of highlighting them in red so they're easy to find:
smiley - marsI changed "fug" to "fog", assuming this is what you intended since I don't know what a "fug" is. If I'm in the wrong I'll change it right back.
smiley - marsI corrected the spelling of "appaling" to "appalling", according to the Cambridge dictionary this is the correct spelling.

I point these out because since I'm American, I realise this could be one of those "common language barrier" things smiley - smiley. Once you approve the changes or ask me to revert them I'll remove the coloured text.

Is the name of the newspaper the "Belfast Telegraph" or just the "Telegraph"? I've italicised the former, but I notice the Post italicised the latter. Should the magazine "Rag" be italicised also (as the name of the magazine)?

And finally, near the end you have "It's thirty years this month..." When this appears on the front page as the UnderGuide feature it will be November or December, this version of the piece was created in October, but you originally wrote it in August. Would you like me to amend this to say "It was thirty years in August..." or just leave it as it stands? (the October date will stay on the entry as it's creation date).

Hope everything meets with your approval! Let me know if I've inadvertently messed something up. smiley - ok

A14049669 - The wick end of candles at the close of a long night

Post 26


As an old UGEd, I should just note that UnderGuide Entries are preferred to be titled with (UG) rather than - UG after the title now. Not sure when this happened or why, but it has smiley - winkeye

Looking forward to seeing this on the FP smiley - ok

A14049669 - The wick end of candles at the close of a long night

Post 27


I used to do them all -(UG), but I remembered I wasn't supposed to do both anymore and just did the wrong one. Fixed now.

A14049669 - The wick end of candles at the close of a long night

Post 28


hi..... fug is an english /irish word that we know here ......

i am appalled that i mis-spelt apalling .......smiley - ok

the paper is called the Belfast Telegraph .... some people call it the Telegraph .. or even just the "Tele" ... but modt call it the Belfast Teleraph .....

the 30 years bit was from the date I thought about writing it .... which I can't quite remember ..... might bave been March 2005.... and I'm happy enough to leave as is

smiley - bubbly

A14049669 - The wick end of candles at the close of a long night

Post 29


feb 05!

A14049669 - The wick end of candles at the close of a long night

Post 30


Okay, I've re-instated 'fug', removed the red text and left the rest alone. If you're happy with it I'll pronounce it finished. smiley - ok

A14049669 - The wick end of candles at the close of a long night

Post 31


smiley - cheers


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