A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop

A1125280 - FRAGMENTED (part VIII)

Post 1


Entry: FRAGMENTED (part VIII) - A1125280
Author: [HPB] Red Dwarf's Holly (ACE) [I'm a dude!] We need Jedi for our Academy at A1116622 - U198644

Thoughts please as I seem to be have bad luck on the x4 episodes.

A1125280 - FRAGMENTED (part VIII)

Post 2


And this one smiley - erm

Just as witty as the last! I enjoy these, [HPB]

smiley - blacksheep

A1125280 - FRAGMENTED (part VIII)

Post 3


Thank you. smiley - ok

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A1125280 - FRAGMENTED (part VIII)

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