A Conversation for Starship Titanic

Starship Titanic

Post 1


does anyone know how to make it work? Does it work? I suspect not. I bought it 12 months ago. My computer freezes once the (virtual) CD is placed in the virtual player. I suspect it doesn't work on PC's at all. I would like to be wrong.

Starship Titanic

Post 2

Researcher 125784

Starship Titanic does work on PCs. I have it, I've solved it, its awesome. Maybe you're not putting the correct cd in.

Starship Titanic

Post 3


Thankyou and sorry for the frustration. I am pleased to say I got it working just yesterday - it only took 18 months. On my machine it would not run in Windows 98, no matter what I tried (including a clean install). However, upgrading to Windows Me magically solved the problem.

Now it looks like even more time to find my way around!

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