A Conversation for The Equal Rights for Lemming's Party HQ

I'll sign up

Post 21


i've started posting random messages with the message:

Hi, I'm Black Leopard and I'm running in the virtual election for president of h2g2.

And, this may seem low down, but I'm asking for your help. Actualy I'm asking a lot of people the same thing, because everyone else seems to have at least 20 something supporters...and I have seven smiley - smileysmiley - erm

Do you disagree with the Thingites? And did you know that in every Thingite there is a git? Thin git e!!! smiley - biggrin (OK maybe I'm gonna get my knuckles rapped for that....oh well smiley - laugh)

Anyway...back to the subject. I need your support!!! So please go to A5661137 - the home of the:

smiley - disco Equal Rights for Lemming's party! smiley - disco

Thank you for your time!!

Black Leopard smiley - blackcatsmiley - evilgrin

if you want to do something similar and if all the others did that might help.....smiley - biggrin

I'll sign up

Post 22


I advertised in the bar! smiley - ok

I'll sign up

Post 23


which bar? well done anyway and keep up the good work. also if you see the others ask them to do the same!!

I'll sign up

Post 24


Our bar! The Thursdayite bar that is. Why don't you subscribe to the thread? smiley - huh

I'll sign up

Post 25


i don't know....perhaps i shall!

I'll sign up

Post 26


Better late than never! smiley - cheers

I'll sign up

Post 27


i have now!

I'll sign up

Post 28


I know this sounds stupid, but how do you actually vote in the election?

I'll sign up

Post 29


smiley - huh No idea. smiley - blush

I'll sign up

Post 30

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit behind a paper
"Try reading < <./>ThePost</.> > there is a mention about the elections in the editorial smiley - biggrin"

I'll sign up

Post 31


Ah, here A5571434 it says <> smiley - ok

smiley - blackcat

I'll sign up

Post 32


There's a thursdayite bar? Why was I not told!

smiley - run

I'll sign up

Post 33


How come that not even our own members know about the bar? smiley - huh Are you all blind? smiley - laughsmiley - cheers

I'll sign up

Post 34


I'm a member?

I'll sign up

Post 35


I thought as Honorary Protector of Monday you're a Thursdayite as well. smiley - blush

I'll sign up

Post 36


Oh I am, loyal to the end. But I think there are a few Thursday campaigns I've missedsmiley - wah

I'll sign up

Post 37


Here's the bar: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/F1950729?thread=533468&latest=1 And here's our No no no thread: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/F1948948?thread=533023&latest=1 And the wop thread: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/F1948948?thread=565160&latest=1 Those are the most active threads.

I'll sign up

Post 38

Lash LeRue

Okay I'll join the Party, mainly for the Lemmings, but also for the Lemons... We get free lemons right?

I'll sign up

Post 39


Free lemons, of course!
smiley - ok BL will be pleased to sign you up! smiley - somersault

I'll sign up

Post 40

Lash LeRue

So what exactly do we do?

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