A Conversation for 2


Post 1


Excellent entry about the pillaging of the past! I find commercial ventures messing with history just as angering, however. If we can't successfully save the physical remains of the past, we should at least remember it correctly. I shuddered when Disney made the film Pocahontas. I scratched my head when I saw an American flag hanging from a house in Colonial Williamsburg. I can barely stand to visit Gettysburg, because with every visit more and more of the battlefield disappears under Pizza Huts and car dealerships. Soon the highwater mark of the Confederacy will be buried beneath a WalMart. If we can't successfully save the physical remains of the past, we should at least remember it correctly.

Not only should there be an effort to save the past, there should be an effort to save us from the past. I'm sure any archaeologist who has been cut by sherds of a colonial wine bottle or stepped on a rusty wrought nail will agree with me. =)

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