A Conversation for The international school, Yaounde, Cameroon


Post 21


My sister had a teacher named "Sister Eilish" in third grade. (I'm not very sure about the spelling)
I was there from '83-'91. I remember some teachers: Ms. Dobson, Ms. Swanson, Mrs. Faguy, Mr. Bennett, Madame Corinne. Anyone hanging around from that era please respond.


Post 22

Researcher 208575

i was there from 1984 to 1987!
who was your fifth grade teacher?
i think i still have a year book and a picture of ms freeman somewhere.i'll try to post it!


Post 23

Researcher 208575

sister Eilish yes she was my first teacher there . she was nice i was there 84 87


Post 24

Researcher 207833

I think i know you..you were in my class..Anil I believe you were from Turkey...is it you?


Post 25

Researcher 210563

My home-room teacher was Mr Bennet!!!
I was at the ASOY from 1987-88.
My name is Achim Berger - I was one of the only German students at that time. I was in grade 7 and 8. Who are you?


Post 26

Researcher 210563

My home-room teacher was Mr Bennet!!!
I was at the ASOY from 1987-88.
My name is Achim Berger - I was one of the only German students at that time. I was in grade 7 and 8. Who are you?


Post 27

Researcher 210563

Hi there,
I was in class 7 and 8 from 1987-88. Home-teacher was Mr Bennett. We climed up the Mt. Cameroon together. I also remeber a breakdancerqueen named Heidi Oliver. Had lot´s of nice partys at that time. By the way: I´m Achim, the German guy.


Post 28

Researcher 207833

i Achim..I dont remember you but my teacher was mr.Bennet too i was there in 1987. I went to Mt Cameroon I believe in 1986..my name is Elyssa


Post 29

Researcher 207833

Hi Anil your name reminded me of something so I looked in my yearbook of 1987 and recognized you..We were in the same class together


Post 30

Wand'rin star

Dear New(ish) researchers
Then we can come and chat. Go to your home page. Click on where it says edit, perhaps choose a name? Just write a sentence or two and then we can visit.
I am Duncan Jones' mother. His brother Gordon was in Sister Eilish's class and Ms Kwonkam's. There was one of the Phi clan in that class who used to swap him sharks fin soup for locally made doughnuts (the Jones boys were allowed to buy food from the roadside - most of you weren't)
We were there during the coup attempt. The British ambassador rescued me from the hospital and the children from where they were staying and took me back to the embassy through very amused roadblocks, as I was wearing only my nightdress. smiley - star


Post 31

Researcher 207833

I do know you..you were in my class


Post 32



Its so nice to read about the past memories. I have just created a maillist for all of us.

Its [email protected] just mail

[email protected]

And some info I remember all of the vander jagts and dennis kim and marceau ratard daniel weismann. I definitely remember Duncan and his brother.

Lets not loose contact please be a member so we dont have to share memories at a BBC site.



Post 33


Hello Achim Berger (researcher 210563). Yes, you were in my class in 7 and 8 grades. Then I believe you left for Germany. Do you remember your friend Phi Long Nguyen- he's in California. Remember our math teacher Mrs. Mckain-she has two beautiful daughters now. Dr. Edwards, the principal has passed away. Did you ever return to Yaounde again. If you did, you probably have more news than I do. I stayed there till 1991 and studied a few grades through correspondence studies with Perla de Grandi and my sister. By the way my name is Sadiya.
So what are you doing now? The last I remember, you used to say that you wanted to go into computer science or some thing like that.


Post 34

Researcher 193484

Yes, I remember Miss Freeman. Her parents were missionaries and had a hospital about a 3-hour drive from Yaounde. She did a lot with music. When I was there she organized the Christmas pageant with all the elementary students.


Post 35

Researcher 193484

I noticed that Anil changed the name of the Yahoo group he made for us. It's now here:


And this is the current e-mail address for it:

[email protected]


Post 36


Yes everyone sorry about the name change. When I notified the school they wanted it to be changed to ASOY. Thats why I changed it.

By the way is everyone here enrolled? Please do so...



Post 37


hi there anybody around?


Post 38


People seem to have wandered off from this conversation. Actually I think we just might be waiting for someone else to say something. I know I keep checking in every few months and then sign out without saying anything.
Well, Anil I think you seem to be the most devoted one. You know I remember you but I don't know if you remember me, most likely not. I was a shy nerd in those days (not to say I am still not).
I think you used to be friends with Marceau Ratard - pardon my spelling, I might be spelling the name wrong.


Post 39


I was ISOY 1976-1980 (4th to 7th grade) and have very much enjoyed reading these posts. I remember shockingly little. When I left, the principal was Rob Ambrogi. His wife Cathy Moore also taught. The "grounds" or "compound" underwent a radical transformation during the period in which I was enrolled. I recall this being gravely diappointing to us as the "bush" in which elaborate hide and seek games played out was ultimately destroyed and regraded for parking lot, or some such. I would love to hear from anyone who was around during that time-frame if only to refresh my clouded memory. Names I recall: Jorg and Rolf Kiesling, Kit Burgett, Misty Mukergee, Addison "something", Michael Forester, Olivier and Thibault de Maximy, Oliver Mueller Roemer ...


Post 40



I obviously cant remember you from your nick but I really am very curious. why dont you come over to the mail group (yahoogroup) and we can have a good discussion with everyone there.

At the moment Daniel just joined Marceau is in along with Achim and Elyssa. There are also other that I do not know personnaly.

See you there


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