A Conversation for Games Room

Non Sequiturs

Post 12921

Cheerful Dragon

Hubby works nights and I wish the people he works for would decide when they want him to start so I could get my evening routine straight.

(smiley - offtopicHerenna, I currently have 3 books on the go: one on Kindle, a paperback for bed/bathroom and a weighty book in the library. They are all different genres although they're all the same language as I'm only fluent in English. None really benefits from being dipped into.)

Non Sequiturs

Post 12922

Herenna - southpaw for now

Just for once, I could really do with not being me.

Non Sequiturs

Post 12923

The Groob

I think you'll find that eyes seem strangely palindromic once you've had enough "substance X".

Non Sequiturs

Post 12924

Herenna - southpaw for now

Why bother with recreationals when I can get the same from a vegetable?

Non Sequiturs

Post 12925


Would you wear 'pneumatic trousers'?


Non Sequiturs

Post 12926

Cheerful Dragon

I need a cup of tea.smiley - tea

Non Sequiturs

Post 12927

Herenna - southpaw for now

Hurry up and chill the prosecco.

Non Sequiturs

Post 12928

The Groob

I'm no Dr Dolittle but I can tell when a black and red bush squirrel is cross.

Non Sequiturs

Post 12929

Herenna - southpaw for now

I don't like the colour of your tweed.

Non Sequiturs

Post 12930

The Groob

I feel a right wally. It took me seventeen hours to climb those stairs and when I got up there I realised I'd forgotten the ultra tritharigarigarybith.

Non Sequiturs

Post 12931

Cheerful Dragon

It's a lovely day, but it's too breezy to sit outside and I can't be bothered to open the gazebo.

Non Sequiturs

Post 12932

Herenna - southpaw for now

Next time around, somebody else gets to be the sensible one.

Non Sequiturs

Post 12933


It was as a teenager that I first discovered the delights of apple doughnuts.


Non Sequiturs

Post 12934

Cheerful Dragon

Why did the Leornardo calendar bookmark for February 2014 (my birth month) have to be the Mona Lisa when it's a painting I don't really like?

Non Sequiturs

Post 12935

Herenna - southpaw for now

I can think clearer now the fears have gone...

Non Sequiturs

Post 12936

Cheerful Dragon

'The we want we us on or the' is what I got when I accepted suggestions from predictive text after the first two letters when trying to type 'This sentence was typed using predictive text'.

Non Sequiturs

Post 12937

Herenna - southpaw for now

Somebody pass me a spare brain, this one seems to be on a go slow.

Non Sequiturs

Post 12938

The Groob

My aunt's aneroid barometer?

Non Sequiturs

Post 12939

Herenna - southpaw for now

Even my superpowers are mundane. smiley - erm

Non Sequiturs

Post 12940

Cheerful Dragon

I need help with my eye drops.smiley - cry (That's not me crying, it's the eye drop that missed when I try to do it myself!)

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