A Conversation for Whose Line Is It Anyway?

Song Titles

Post 1941

Zarniroop (er.... I'll think of something amusing to put here soon!)

video cilled the radio star - buggles

Song Titles

Post 1942

Zarniroop (er.... I'll think of something amusing to put here soon!)


Song Titles

Post 1943


money for nothin' - dire straits

Song Titles

Post 1944


Running Free - Iron Maiden

Song Titles

Post 1945

Zarniroop (er.... I'll think of something amusing to put here soon!)

All around my hat - Steeleye span

Song Titles

Post 1946

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

The Safety Dance - Men Without Hats

Song Titles

Post 1947

Zarniroop (er.... I'll think of something amusing to put here soon!)

The floral dance - terry wogan(!!!!)

Song Titles

Post 1948

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

smiley - flansmiley - tomatosmiley - flan

The Devil's Dance - Metallica

Song Titles

Post 1949

Zarniroop (er.... I'll think of something amusing to put here soon!)

(back on the metal entries - strongly resisting!)

'lil devil - The Cult

Song Titles

Post 1950

You can call me TC

I'm lost on the link between 1941-1943 and 1943-1944 - any clues?

OK carry on:

Karma Chameloen - Culture Club.

Song Titles

Post 1951

Zarniroop (er.... I'll think of something amusing to put here soon!)

(TC - U'll have to ask Broelan about the first one, looking back i don't see the link either. 2nd one is easy - Money fro nothing = Free!)
Ummmm.... (Avoids any reference to S Club 7)

Changes - David Bowie

Song Titles

Post 1952


Pictures Of Matchstick Men - Status Quo

Song Titles

Post 1953

a girl called Ben

Video Killed the Radio Star - Money for Nothing

Well Money for Nothing is about MTV and rock stars.

"Now look at them yo-yo's that's the way you do it
You play the guitar on the MTV
That ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Money for nothin' and chicks for free."

Dunno if that is what St Bro was thinking of, mind you.


Vincent - Don MacLean (also about a painter)

Song Titles

Post 1954

Zarniroop (er.... I'll think of something amusing to put here soon!)

Pait it Black - The Rolling Stones

(don't know how greydesk got there though?)
(& Thanx ben! I am easliy confused)


Song Titles

Post 1955

a girl called Ben

Changes - Status Quo? Not that I would EVER try to work out what goes on in GD's mind - a very scary place!

99 Red Baloons - Nena

Song Titles

Post 1956

You can call me TC

Snoopy and the Red Baron by ???

Song Titles

Post 1957

Zarniroop (er.... I'll think of something amusing to put here soon!)

(ty again ben! and nice entry on mistresses too! smiley - winkeye )

Blue Monday - New Order

*forbids the easy days of the 'weak link'!

Song Titles

Post 1958

Gazza P

i would do anything for love.... meat loaf what a singer and a showman

rokerrebelsmiley - blackcat

Song Titles

Post 1959

a girl called Ben

Too much love will kill you - Brian May

(Pleased you liked the entry Uncle Z - did you see it has been picked?)

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