A Conversation for Whose Line Is It Anyway?

Song Titles

Post 1841


HELP - The Beatles smiley - winkeye

Song Titles

Post 1842

Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki

Rhythm's gonna get ya - Bentley Rhythm Aces

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Post 1843


hit me with your rhythm stick - Ian Dury

(do you want a shrubbery with that? smiley - biggrin)

Song Titles

Post 1844

E James K

Beat it--Michael Jackson

(alright, I think that's a bad choice, but it's better than the other obvious choice)

Song Titles

Post 1845


Maxwell's Silver Hammer - The Beatles

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Post 1846


Isn't this...

Déjà vu - Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young

or can we go on with...

hammer the hammer - The Go-Betweens

Song Titles

Post 1847


er.. yeah sorry smiley - sadface

I know I've done this one before myself, but I can't resist...

Tease Me - Chakademus and Pliers

Song Titles

Post 1848


i'm every woman - Chaka Khan

(not me, HER...)

Song Titles

Post 1849


Man I Feel Like a Woman - Shania Twain

(You don't even want to know smiley - winkeye)

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Post 1850


doctor doctor - The Thompson Twins

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Post 1851


Crash course in brain surgery - Metallica

(Help! I've just discovered I'm the sixth busiest poster on h2g2 at the mo (http//www.h2g2.com/info?) I think I definitely need a doctor)

Song Titles

Post 1852


smiley - drunk dizzy miss lizzie - The Flying Lizards

(you just climbed to 5th place! smiley - rocket Way to go...)

Song Titles

Post 1853


(not that it is at all relevant now, but entity formerly trillian asked me how i connected 409 to caravan yesterday, i just wanted to say that in u.s., caravan is a minivan produced by dodge, and 409 was a song from the beach boys in the late 60's i think about a car "she's real fine my four-oh-nine".)

pass... scratch that. on second thought:

everything you know is wrong - 'weird' al

Song Titles

Post 1854


sorry, scratch that too. dr. kareem beat me to it.

good golly, miss molly - little richard

Song Titles

Post 1855


Speed King - Deep Purple (the lyrics, the lyrics...)

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Post 1856


king of suede (theme from rocky xiii) - 'weird' al

Song Titles

Post 1857


sweet transvestite - from The Rocky Horror Picture Show

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Post 1858

Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki

Obvious but had to be done ...

Lola - The Kinks

Song Titles

Post 1859


kinky afro - The Happy Mondays smiley - drunksmiley - cdoublesmiley - clownsmiley - sillysmiley - biggrin

Song Titles

Post 1860


Eight days a week - The Beatles

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