A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop

A3946520 - What to Do When a Maniac has a Gun Pointed at you

Post 1

DNA lives!

Entry: What to Do When a Maniac has a Gun Pointed at you - A3946520
Author: DNA lives! - U557587

And another! I know I only posted the other onea couple of hours ago, but I thought I'd finally get around to doing this, after meaning to for months. So, whaddya think?

A3946520 - What to Do When a Maniac has a Gun Pointed at you

Post 2

Pdmatthew - Probably In a corner somewhere with a guitar

Hi DNA Lives!,
I like the idea, and you have some good ideas but perhaps you should make it abit longer, either adding more sections or making the sections you have longer. Otherwise nice piece. you should probably delve into the topic a bit more but very funny.

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A3946520 - What to Do When a Maniac has a Gun Pointed at you

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