A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop
A3776574 - Growing Up Fast
Pinniped Started conversation Mar 12, 2005
Entry: Growing Up Fast - A3776574
Author: Pinniped - U183682
I haven't posted one here in quite a while, so humour me.
Somebody set me a challenge of writing a first person narrative using short words, and with a decent plot for once. Waddya reckon?
A3776574 - Growing Up Fast
Kat - From H2G2 Posted Mar 12, 2005
One smally mistake
"I just asked him what he was he was staring at"
Too many he was's
I enjoyed reading this and I think that you certainly completed the challenge.
I don't understand it properly though. I think I'm either sleepy or not on the ball enough. I don't understand who the boy was
A3776574 - Growing Up Fast
dancingbuddha Posted Mar 12, 2005
Thank you. This was like eating caramel ice cream.
A3776574 - Growing Up Fast
Pinniped Posted Mar 12, 2005
Thanks all.
I'm getting a morning-after feel re-reading this. It's not quite as slick as I thought while it came together, but still not too bad.
The writing was ice-cream assisted, db, so you must be psychic, but we knew that already.
No surprise either that Jodan empathises with mobile phones
Before I post Kat's spoiler, let's give it a while. I think the clues are there, and this one is supposed to have some puzzle-fun to it. In fact, anyone else think they know what's going on?
A3776574 - Growing Up Fast
J Posted Mar 12, 2005
I don't have a mobile phone.
(Well, actually yes, I do, but I got it two days ago... so that barely counts)
I think I know what's going on in the story. Which is rare for me with your pieces.
A3776574 - Growing Up Fast
LL Waz Posted Mar 13, 2005
Oh excellent, a Pin piece in the AWW .
I've ideas about the underlying theme, but I'm not sure.
In the detail it's like fitting pieces of a jigsaw together which look as if they're from different pictures. There's a piece with jungle on it and a piece with a pub, for instance. Perhaps I'm being too literal. And there's a boy who's lived somewhere who hasn't lived there yet, which I definitely can't be literal about.
A3776574 - Growing Up Fast
Kaine_2k Posted Mar 14, 2005
I think I got it, but rather than make myself look stupid, I'll wit until the answer is revealed...
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A3776574 - Growing Up Fast
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