A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop

A3368306 - To honor one's father

Post 1


Entry: To honor one's father - A3368306
Author: MrRollyPollyCat - U887838

For those who have read my other work, a slight warning. This one ain't funny.

A3368306 - To honor one's father

Post 2


None the worse for it though.

It's a well written piece which brings up some terrible issues. I always feel sorry for people with terrible parents, because it's in our nature to respect our parents and admire them. For those people who have to come to a realisation that their parents are not good, it is never easy to accept.

Dodgy grandparents is a little easier, but still not easy. And you describe the funeral dilemna well - what to do when you go to a funeral for someone that you feel nothing, or nothing positive for? It's not the done thing to dance on their grave until after everyone else has gone, I'm told...smiley - winkeye


A3368306 - To honor one's father

Post 3


Hi...I read your piece in the AWW and hope you don't mind me commenting.

Always a bit of an emotional minefield when dealing with relatives at the best of times, but especially so when you're not close/just plain don't get on. At the time of a funeral it must be especially difficult to decide what's right and what's not.

I guess all one can do is what one think's is for the best at the time. You went along out of respect for your father - a positive thing. You saw relatives you hadn't seen for a while or hadn't met before, also a positive thing. The living go on doing just that, after all.

A3368306 - To honor one's father

Post 4

LL Waz

No this one's not funny, your confusion and sadness at the situation come clearly through the words.

I don't know how much you want to work on this as a piece of writing. If you do want to work on it then my opiniion, and it's just my opinion, is that you could strengthen the story by illustrating your grandmother's battle with her children.

The example you give of the loan is a good illustration of her character and I can guess at possible ways that she might treat her children as a consequence but I'm guessing at possibilities. It feels a little vague.

Interesting that in that story your grandfather did succeed in getting her to do the right thing.

Thanks for posting and sharing this.

A3368306 - To honor one's father

Post 5

UnderGuide Editors

Congratulations! This piece has been picked by the UnderGuide miners and accepted by the editors for inclusion in the h2g2 UnderGuide. It will be featured on h2g2's front page in due course and then be displayed on the shelves of the UnderGuide Archives at A2112490 and the official archives at C1233.

More information and a link to what happens next can be found at the <./>underguide</.> HQ. A helpful friendly Gem Polisher should drop by your personal space soon to discuss any last minute polishing.

On behalf of the UnderGuide, thank you smiley - bubbly.

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