A Conversation for Neil Gaiman's Sandman

Disappointed in my first read of Sandman

Post 1


A friend of mine was very gung-ho about the Sandman series and lent me a couple of books. I was turned off immediately though when one of the comics I read seemed an exact plot-copy of Clive Barker's novel, "Weaveworld." It's too bad I don't remember the title of the Sandman comic. I don't know if this was a coincidence or Nick just happened to subconsciously come up with the Sandman plot not knowing it's based on something he's read a long time ago...I really don't know. But Weaveworld was a great book, and the Sandman story I read just paled in comparison that I decided I didn't want to read any more Sandman books.

Disappointed in my first read of Sandman

Post 2


A shame, seeing as the Sandman books have a lot more to give. But if you're not interested in the Sandman, try giving more of Neil Gamain's work a go. There's something for everyone in amongst it all. smiley - biggrin
smiley - devil

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Disappointed in my first read of Sandman

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