A Conversation for String Theory

H2G2 Thanks

Post 41


Speed reading this book - you'm all heavy froods -- I wish you good luck !

Tigger smiley - smiley |/\/\/\/\/|

H2G2 Thanks

Post 42



H2G2 Thanks

Post 43

Penguin Girl - returned at last

Thanks as well. It should be interesting. I haven't read anything heavy since that long book on dadaism last month. That was interesting. The dada article on H2G2 is good, but I don't htink it quite captures the true spirit of the movement.

H2G2 Thanks

Post 44


I didn't know there even was an article on dadaism. Perhaps I should go and have a look.

H2G2 Thanks

Post 45


Just read it - seems quite suitable for H2G2 really -- Have a fish smiley - fish

Tigger smiley - smiley |\/\/\/\/|

H2G2 Thanks

Post 46


There are lots of good articles about here. Are you by any chance interested in tea?
I know, there is an acknowledged (approved) artivle about tea, but this one deals also with the essences, the soul of tea. Try out http://www.h2g2.com/A165250 to read about it.

Oh, and thanks for the fish. Have one you too: smiley - fish

H2G2 Thanks

Post 47


Kookie - how did you come across that one then ?

The Green/Black tea differentiation was quite interesting

Tigger |/\/\/\/\|

H2G2 Thanks

Post 48

Penguin Girl - returned at last

Oh yes everyone, I finaly obtained a copy of a brief history of time. Now, to read it... Ah, well, I'll get around to it.
Here have a fish smiley - fishsmiley - smiley
I'm about to read the tea article.

H2G2 Thanks

Post 49


I got it yesterday; both the illustrated and the non-illustrated copy. Now to start the venture of actually reading it...
Hey, wanna know something funny? I actually figured that it was something like HHGTTG, a funny sci-fi, but it's not. Mind you, that shall not prevent me from reading the thing! Looks great.
Thanks for the comments about my tea-thingy.

Fish for all - KimotoCat
smiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - winkeyesmiley - fish

H2G2 Thanks

Post 50


Well .... you're dead right, 'tis not funny sci-fi, however, it is about the most readable book on it's topic I've found !


P.S. Have a caramel brownie smiley - smiley

H2G2 Thanks

Post 51


Thanks for the brownie.

Yup, the book is definitely interesting and more accesible than many books about the same kind of issues.
It's great to meet a book that makes you think that you may personally develop from reading it.
I'll have to leave the Guide now. Gotta read! smiley - winkeye

BTW Have a donut: O O O


H2G2 Thanks

Post 52


Hi Kimoto,

Has are you getting on with the book ?

Tigger |\/\/\/\/\|

H2G2 Thanks

Post 53

Penguin Girl - returned at last

I've got my copy. I left it in my locker, or else I'd be reading it now. I knew that is wasn't fiction. I like the concept though...physics for the masses.
and everyone, have some potatoes.@@@<-I say those are potatoes

H2G2 Thanks

Post 54


Busy busy busy...

In other words, unfortunately not so far yet, but working on it.


H2G2 Thanks

Post 55


Thanks for the 'spuds' - I'm not so keen on boiled suds, but most other forms are much appreceiated !

Good luck both with your reading

Tigger |/\/\/\/\|

H2G2 Thanks

Post 56

Penguin Girl - returned at last

Thank you. I'm a couple of chapters in. It's interesting, but I'm begining to realize I've heard most of this come up before in disscussion with many of my friends and family who have read it.

H2G2 Thanks

Post 57


It's a popular book ..... However, a lot of people don't get past the 1st few chapters - so chin up & good luck

Tigger smiley - smiley

H2G2 Thanks

Post 58

Penguin Girl - returned at last

I'm going on a five hour car trip saturday, so that shouldn't be a problem. I'll read the whole time.

H2G2 Thanks

Post 59


reading in the car - good on you, I get extremely car sick if I try that smiley - sadface

5 hours, that's quite a trek, I hope it will be worth it !

Tigger |/\/\/\/|

H2G2 Thanks

Post 60

Penguin Girl - returned at last

I get a bit headachy.
However, my math teacher(who, due to an independant study program, I only see once or twice a week) finally realized that she'd forgetten to tell us about he homework for the past week and a half, so I may have to prove triangle similarity all the way up...Also, it's snowing, so I'm not even sure when we'll leave.

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