A Conversation for 1Harold Ross part 1: the history

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A21558116 - Harold Ross - part 1: the history

Post 1


Entry: Harold Ross - part 1: the history - A21558116
Author: Leo - I think I can I think I can I think I can I think I can... - U519437

You gotta love this guy. Maybe not personally, but abstractly.

A21558116 - Harold Ross - part 1: the history

Post 2


Harold Ross was born in Aspen, Colorado on 6 November, 1986, to George Ross, a business speculator,

1886 ???

A21558116 - Harold Ross - part 1: the history

Post 3


smiley - blush Er, yes! Thanks. 1986 was the year *I* was born.

A21558116 - Harold Ross - part 1: the history

Post 4


Dont worry we all do it me more than mostsmiley - smiley

A21558116 - Harold Ross - part 1: the history

Post 5



Why is "mother" capitalized here? I don't really get it.


I'm guessing Twain's book was written *before* Ross took to the road - wouldn't it make sense to remove the "since"?


I think there's a word or two missing here.

A21558116 - Harold Ross - part 1: the history

Post 6


Hm. I think something went wrong when I pasted it in. I'm on the case.

Actually, I wasn't sure who was first - Ross or Twain - but now I see Twain was definitely first. Possibly Ross even read Roughing It. smiley - ok

A21558116 - Harold Ross - part 1: the history

Post 7


I have no idea what was supposed to go into that Fleischmann sentence, so I stuck something in there. smiley - shrug

Anything else?

A21558116 - Harold Ross - part 1: the history

Post 8


I've noticed odd little fiddly comma-type things or typos on various entries, but I'm too lazy to point them out since I'm sure I'll catch them when I sub. What I'm raising on the entries are my queries, so on this one they're all sorted!

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