A Conversation for English Chartered Markets: 2 The North Midlands

Peer Review: A19993585 - English Chartered Markets: 2 The Midlands And Wales

Post 1


Entry: English Chartered Markets: 2 The Midlands And Wales - A19993585
Author: Bob Stafford (Keeper of The Treacle Shadow) - U3151547

Please comment on this part 2 of 3. I look forard to your comments.


A19993585 - English Chartered Markets: 2 The Midlands And Wales

Post 2


Any observationssmiley - smiley

A19993585 - English Chartered Markets: 2 The Midlands And Wales

Post 3


Any ideas please smiley - smiley

A19993585 - English Chartered Markets: 2 The Midlands And Wales

Post 4

Fizzymouse- no place like home

Hiya Bob,

My first suggestion would be to split this entry, at nearly 5,000 words I didn't get more than one third of the way down the page before giving up. If it was in more bitesize chunks I'm sure I'd read them all.smiley - sorry

It does appear to be an interesting topic and I was impressed to learn about the benefits associated with the market charters, but in all honesty I just couldn't keep going...... perhaps someone else could help.smiley - erm

smiley - goodluck

smiley - mouse

A19993585 - English Chartered Markets: 2 The Midlands And Wales

Post 5


Hi Fizzymouse

Thanks for your interest,
Ok I will take a look at it any ideas about how it could be split North Midlands and South Midlands and Wales, perhaps smiley - smiley

A19993585 - English Chartered Markets: 2 The Midlands And Wales

Post 6

Fizzymouse- no place like home

smiley - applause I'm sure I could manage it then. smiley - ta

smiley - mouse

A19993585 - English Chartered Markets: 2 The Midlands And Wales

Post 7


Ok Hows this then
The North Midlands

The South Midlands and Wales


Hows that

A19993585 - English Chartered Markets: 2 The Midlands And Wales

Post 8

Fizzymouse- no place like home

That sounds like a plan Bob smiley - goodluck

smiley - mouse

A19993585 - English Chartered Markets: 2 The Midlands And Wales

Post 9


It is now part 3 check it out please Part 2 to follow smiley - smiley

A19993585 - English Chartered Markets: 2 The Midlands And Wales

Post 10

Fizzymouse- no place like home

Bob, I'm not very good at this, but I'll try and give it a start.smiley - ok

upon particular day or day's. > days

king John. > King John

This gives the growing prosperity in England at this time, 134 years after the conquest and puts the kingdom in a position to exploit the coming growth in domestic and world trade. >> This indicates the growing prosperity in England 134 years after the conquest, and .....

What is the purpose of a market charter, first it formalised
The charter did this by granting privileges to the town and the traders such as exemptions from tolls and taxes (on particular days) which its rival markets did not enjoy >> What is the purpose of a market charter? In the first instance, it formalised the charter by granting privileges to the town and the traders ........... (on particular days), which it's rival markets .......

A chartered town also benefited by attracting people to the town, and by a becoming a free borough, this gave the town powers to hold a court, levy fines and create local laws. >> A chartered town also benefited by becoming a free borough, thus attracting people to the town. This also gave the town powers to ......

The Chartered Markets Of The Midlands - Bob I can hardly make head nor tail of this - now that may just be me and the late hour, but perhaps if you take a read at it and see what you think yourself - I know that's hard when you of course know what you're talking about - but I don't. smiley - winkeye

smiley - sorry I couldn't be of more help tonight, but it's been a long day.smiley - ok

smiley - mouse

A19993585 - English Chartered Markets: 2 The Midlands And Wales

Post 11


Thanks Fizzymouse

I have and it reads better, thanks you have been a great help I look forward to your opinion. smiley - smiley

Sleep well

A19993585 - English Chartered Markets: 2 The Midlands And Wales

Post 12

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

Wow, this is quite an entry, Bob smiley - bigeyes

It's still *very* long (but I'm not sure if too long).

There are quite a few typos and misplaced spaces, but nothing a spellchecker wouldn't find. smiley - ok

smiley - goodluck with this.

A19993585 - English Chartered Markets: 2 The Midlands And Wales

Post 13


Hi magwich

Thanks I will run it through smiley - smiley

A19993585 - English Chartered Markets: 2 The Midlands And Wales

Post 14


Now then Fizzymouse

Thanks! what started as 3 little entries now look like standing at 5 entries pity I die not start it as a universitiy entry to late now as part 1 is edited...smiley - smiley

A19993585 - English Chartered Markets: 2 The Midlands And Wales

Post 15


Now then Fizzymouse

Thanks! what started as 3 little entries now look like standing at 5 entries pity I die not start it as a universitiy entry to late now as part 1 is edited...smiley - smiley

Bloomin mice...smiley - laugh

A19993585 - English Chartered Markets: 2 The Midlands And Wales

Post 16

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

I'm going to be really awkward now, sorry: Why have you split the Midlands into North and South, when they are traditionally and politically already split in the regions of East Midlands and West Midlands? Anyone looking for stuff about anywhere in the Midlands is a) unlikely to use South/North Midlands as a search term and b) upon finding something split that way won't know where you've chosen to make the split. Everyone knows Staffordshire is in the West Midlands but unless I'd read the list you've put above I wouldn't know whetehr to describe it as North Midlands or South Midlands...

smiley - ale

A19993585 - English Chartered Markets: 2 The Midlands And Wales

Post 17


Hi KerrAvon

Yes you are right

However I was attempting to apply a post Norman split along the lines of the economy, shaped by the north south split of Wessex and the Danelaw is more appropriate than a modern political split.

I am as ever open to ideas let me know your suggestion regarding the grouping of the counties.

Looking forward to your ideas smiley - smiley

A19993585 - English Chartered Markets: 2 The Midlands And Wales

Post 18

Fizzymouse- no place like home

Hah! So even you are blaming the smiley - mousesmiley - rolleyes

This is what I've seen this evening - didn't get far I know, but I always leave it so late.smiley - yawn

The kingdom of Wessex who had risen to dominate the area by defeating the Danes and establishing the Danelaw and effectively giving the area to the Danes. >>>> The Kingdom of Wessex which had risen ....

This was the most fought over area of the time and very much a border country, Trade was brisk but in some areas economic development was slow until the end of the Danish kingdom and the unification of the country. >>>> full stop after country.

It is interesting that this part of the country more use was made of the Roman road network than the north, and that the towns, have market charters that pre date the Norman Conquest. >>>> It is interesting that *in* this part of ...... Remove comma after towns.

Apart from Overton, in the county of Rutland2 the grant was after the conquest. >>>> Not sure what this sentence means - was Overtons charter granted after the conquest?

Un like the north which fell victim to the events in 1069 known as the Harrying Of The North. >>>> Same with this sentence don't know what it relates to (Unlike).

This is the personal revenge of king William I for the slaughter of the army of an army of 700 men in Durham. >>>> This was the personal revenge of King William .....

Also the cultural, and economic structure was destroyed, this is attested to by the lack of chartered markets in the area3, the area did not have a market established until 1086 when the first charter was granted to Penwortham, and this could have been established as a market to serve an area around a local seaport. >>>> Remove the comma after cultural. destroyed, as is evidenced by the lack of ....... full stop after area.

smiley - mouse

A19993585 - English Chartered Markets: 2 The Midlands And Wales

Post 19


Hi Fizzymouse

Thank you for that all done.

You were right it is looking better what is your opinion about the way the counties ars divided in the articles.


A19993585 - English Chartered Markets: 2 The Midlands And Wales

Post 20


Hi Fizzymouse

Any ideas on the article and the point about division you raised. smiley - smiley

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