A Conversation for Fun-sized sweets and chocolate bars

Peer Review: A1957476 - Fun-sized candy

Post 1


Entry: Fun-sized candy - A1957476
Author: Graham - U516634

Hi again. I feel as though this is an oft overlooked, yet important subject.

A1957476 - Fun-sized candy

Post 2

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Oh dear, this one seems to have slipped through the net smiley - sadface

This is a fun entry, (no pun intended), but I'm not convinced it's EG material, it's got too much personal opinion for that. Have you considered the AWW?

smiley - ale

A1957476 - Fun-sized candy

Post 3


I was thinking of including this in the "humor" section of the guide.

A1957476 - Fun-sized candy

Post 4

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Mm, it's a possibility, but bear in mind the scope of what gets in the EG changes over the years- I do feel it's got a little too much emphasis on the humour, but someone else may feel differently, of course smiley - smiley

smiley - ale

A1957476 - Fun-sized candy

Post 5


I think this is trying too hard to be funny - maybe it should concentrate more on the different sizes of chocolate and less on trying to make people laugh.

smiley - panda

A1957476 - Fun-sized candy

Post 6

Gnomon - time to move on

Good work, Graham! smiley - smiley

I think this is excellent and just the sort of thing we are looking for in the Guide - a different view of the real world.

The only problem I can see is with it is that the Guide is supposed to be written in British English. In British English, the word candy means something else, but there isn't a word which means exactly what the Americans mean by candy. The nearest would be "Fun-sized sweets and chocolate bars".

There are a few typing errors in the entry, such as "extremly". It might be worth your while cutting and pasting the text into a word processor to check the spelling. If you can't do that, I can point them all out to you.

A1957476 - Fun-sized candy

Post 7


Thank you all. I will correct the errors. The article was never intended to be a serious entry.

A1957476 - Fun-sized candy

Post 8


I will get around to correcting the spelling to the British way as I have just corrected all of the other mistakes. Not now though, no time!

A1957476 - Fun-sized candy

Post 9

Gnomon - time to move on

Take your time! We can wait. Just let us know when you're ready.

A1957476 - Fun-sized candy

Post 10


I have changed the title and spelling to the british way. I feel as though it is now complete.

A1957476 - Fun-sized candy

Post 11

Gnomon - time to move on

Good work! smiley - smiley

A few minor edits:

meriam-webster --> Merriam-Webster

where as --> whereas

as to greatly --> in order to greatly

towards miniature --> towards the miniature

not to many --> not too many

To bad --> Too bad

smiley - ok

A1957476 - Fun-sized candy

Post 12


Thanks for pointing those mistakes out.
I have just corrected all of them.
If you spot any more, please let me know.

A1957476 - Fun-sized candy

Post 13


I have just added a conclusion. I know, I know, the peer review isn't for unfinished entries, but this is a very small change and I feel as though it wraps the article up nicely.

A1957476 - Fun-sized candy

Post 14

Gnomon - time to move on

There are a few typos in the conclusion:

origional --> original
succeded --> succeeded
handfull --> handful
lange --> large

A1957476 - Fun-sized candy

Post 15


Gotcha. I've made the corrections. I'll havwe to remember to run my entries through a word processor for speel check next time!
smiley - smiley

A1957476 - Fun-sized candy

Post 16


Are you still looking for comments on this entry?

smiley - panda

A1957476 - Fun-sized candy

Post 17


Now, I'm not really sure how this works - do I leave the entry in the peer editing forum until a scout recommends it or what?

A1957476 - Fun-sized candy

Post 18

Gnomon - time to move on

Normally, if there is something seriously wrong with your entry, someone will tell you. If there isn't, a scout will eventually pick it. So you should just leave it there and wait. But it's been there a while. Would any scouts care to comment?

A1957476 - Fun-sized candy

Post 19

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

i am somewhat cynical about life...

i think that confectionary companies may have thought, that by developing a 'fun' sized treat, parents are more likely to feel comfortable giving their kids it, rather than a whopper of a chocolate bar. This of course leads to a preference in later life as to what the kids would prefer to eat as adults.

Equally you can charge more per 100gm of confectionary in a multipack of 'fun' size bars than you can a standard size bar.
With the current 'awareness' of weight and calorie control, people feel better about having a smaller bar, than they do a full size one, even if they end up eating 2 anyway!! Afterall, one finger of twix is better than two, even if you have 2 in a day - or so you convince yourself. (ok - I do!!!)

It is a psychological marketing gimick. Told you I was cynical smiley - winkeye

A1957476 - Fun-sized candy

Post 20

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

I really like this one.... smiley - biggrin

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