A Conversation for Music Trivia


Post 1


If you have any suggestions to spruce up the music page, or add another musical game, please place them here, and they will be duly considered. In fact, if you can help make this page into something good, I will gladly credit you as a contributor (especially if you can tell me how to!)

'SUSpensive smiley - winkeye


Post 2


There's a few .jpg files I just whipped up at


that might or might not be appropriate -- you decide. smiley - winkeye


Post 3


Thanks Nony. Will check them out in due course...



Post 4


Heh.. and wouldn't you know it? Nexix picks this time to fiddle with the servers... not that it isn't unexpected or even frowned on (Hey.. it's a hardware developer! smiley - winkeye ... It's just the timing... I'm sure he'll get things back up soon. smiley - smiley

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