A Conversation for Don't Panic

moon landing

Post 21


That makes perfect sense. I guess the yak-boy's mother is not such a reliable source of information.

moon landing

Post 22


There couldn't be a man in the moon. He'd have eaten all the cheese by now! smiley - winkeye

moon landing

Post 23

Researcher 97256

The moon, and especially the dust on the moon is not interested in any kind of action just because a piece of metal is burning up fuel in the direction of the moon.Luckily, the rocket-engine isn´t interested in action either, it is satisfied whith the force of RE-action in order to reduce it´s speed before touchdown.The jetblast doesn´t push, the burnig-chamber creates a force in one direction because there is a hole in it!

moon landing

Post 24


Much like the reaction between the tiny hole in the back of your jeans and the outside air on a blustery winter's day. smiley - winkeye

moon landing

Post 25


Say, there's a hole in those flat vinyl things too. Coincidence? I think not! Black object, hole, gravity, matter (dust), it all adds up! The government has been experimenting with Black Holes in an attempt to convert celestial matter into Tang! They've already got the taste down pat. Hmmm... or maybe they're trying to convert Tang into celestial matter. The orange color would certainly make Black Holes easier to spot. But then, they would'nt be Black Holes, would they? This is making my Brain hurt. I think I'll go have a lie-down and eat a moonpie.

moon landing

Post 26


Don't forget to nuke it first. smiley - winkeye

"fake" moon landing

Post 27


Well, the theory of a "faked" moon landing is a very interesting point. It is one of many that have been put around since that historic moment in time. There is also a theory that the Russians where involved as well, and they where "available" if there where any problems. Its a point I enjoy discussing - the cover up theory.

moon landing

Post 28


Yeah, and I thought it was supposed to be made of cheese

moon dust

Post 29


About the dust on the moon... I heard an interview with Neil Armstrong, where he described what it was like to walk on the moon. He said it was like walking in the finest talcum powder there ever was. The whole place was covered with from 2 to 4 inches of it, because of all the meteor impacts, (over 4 billion years,) that have crunched the lunar crust into microscopic bits.

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