A Conversation for The Underground Campaign for the Internet (Under... eeek... Construction)

Je Suis Napoleon!

Post 1

Boris, the cheesecake eating spider

Greetings! Since I'm a supervillain, I wish to join my esteemed collegues in this Campaign. I've already joined, though so should I join again... oh, perhaps you didn't know, I am the alter-ego of one of the members of this Campaign, and I'm only joining to get this place going again. Geez, you guys are dull. And to a certain Cheese-loving researcher, please don't give away my secret identity, leave them to figure it out for themselves.

Je Suis Napoleon!

Post 2

RoboTwig [54-11-(3/3) = 42]


But weird.

Hello, mystery person who I know.

Je Suis Napoleon!

Post 3

RoboTwig [54-11-(3/3) = 42]

*Cough Ax Cough*

Je Suis Napoleon!

Post 4


Ok, Ok, how'd you get me? Huh? Huh? C'mon! Tell me!!!

Je Suis Napoleon!

Post 5

RoboTwig [54-11-(3/3) = 42]

I read the threads which SuperMegaEvil something something was bookmarked to.


And by the way, Merry Christmas.

Je Suis Napoleon!

Post 6


A little late, Twig, but merry christmas to you too.

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