A Conversation for The Underground Campaign for the Internet (Under... eeek... Construction)

The BASIC RAM - Campaign Pub

Post 261

steve-paul ---- no lyrics!!<wah>

who, me?

The BASIC RAM - Campaign Pub

Post 262

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!

Yeah you.

Can i add you to my friends list?

The BASIC RAM - Campaign Pub

Post 263

steve-paul ---- no lyrics!!<wah>

'hey it's Officer Krupke'smiley - biggrin

yeah sure, as long as i can add *you* to my extensive friend's listsmiley - winkeye.

The BASIC RAM - Campaign Pub

Post 264


*Aximili walks in.*

Officer Krupke?

*Notices Robotwig's body. Bends down and checks pulse. Can't resist a cheesy Star Trek moment.*

He's dead, Jim.


Hey, if the boss has kicked the bucket, does that put me in charge of the Campaign, do you think? Oh yes, I'll have my usual please MegaChedda

The BASIC RAM - Campaign Pub

Post 265

steve-paul ---- no lyrics!!<wah>

hismiley - ok
West Side Story

Anyway, gotta go.


seeyasmiley - winkeye

The BASIC RAM - Campaign Pub

Post 266



The BASIC RAM - Campaign Pub

Post 267

steve-paul ---- no lyrics!!<wah>

Hismiley - ok

I am Here

Let us be moral. Let us contemplate existence.

ok, maybe thats a bad ideasmiley - biggrin

The BASIC RAM - Campaign Pub

Post 268

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!

Anyone want a drink?

The BASIC RAM - Campaign Pub

Post 269

steve-paul ---- no lyrics!!<wah>

not hat le moment, i've gotta go so'll see youse latersmiley - ok

The BASIC RAM - Campaign Pub

Post 270


Cherrio. That was fast.

The BASIC RAM - Campaign Pub

Post 271

steve-paul ---- no lyrics!!<wah>

hi, i'm back.............againsmiley - winkeye

What was fast?smiley - erm

The BASIC RAM - Campaign Pub

Post 272

RoboTwig [54-11-(3/3) = 42]

*Gets up*

I've decided not to be dead.


The BASIC RAM - Campaign Pub

Post 273


Blimey! That looked just like The Doctor regenerating! Except he kept his body the same this time. Fancy a drink Boss? Making a new body can be thirsty work.

The BASIC RAM - Campaign Pub

Post 274

RoboTwig [54-11-(3/3) = 42]

Well, funny you should mention Regeneration, the main character of my stories that I write just happens to not be the Doctor, but a certain alien who travels about in a blue box and regenerates.

Hmmmm... sounds familiar...

The BASIC RAM - Campaign Pub

Post 275


Yeah. What's his name?

The BASIC RAM - Campaign Pub

Post 276

RoboTwig [54-11-(3/3) = 42]

I think his name begins with Doc... something something.

The BASIC RAM - Campaign Pub

Post 277


Doc... you know, that sounds kind of familiar...

The BASIC RAM - Campaign Pub

Post 278

steve-paul ---- no lyrics!!<wah>

Doc...what?smiley - erm

The BASIC RAM - Campaign Pub

Post 279


Yeah. That could be it. Twig?

The BASIC RAM - Campaign Pub

Post 280

RoboTwig [54-11-(3/3) = 42]

Doctor What?

No, that's Doctor Who's cousin.

The character I write about is a sort of homage to Doctor Who, called...

You guessed it, The Twig.

(Not very imaginative, really.)

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