A Conversation for

Chill out room

Post 16221


Good idea I am considering some links on my page.smiley - smiley

Chill out room

Post 16222


good idea A1059842 if you need any ideas i will let you borrow some from my page smiley - rofl

it could be moving to a temporary home if it dose shout i will give you the new link smiley - ok

Chill out room

Post 16223


smiley - magic

Chill out room

Post 16224


smiley - smiley

Chill out room

Post 16225


See you later as its 1am smiley - smiley

Chill out room

Post 16226


smiley - okmate see you later take care smiley - ok

Chill out room

Post 16227


smiley - cheers

Chill out room

Post 16228

ditzyblonde...the girl who loves to eat, drink and be merry....

Afternoon all...time to top up that tan and get sunbathing.....smiley - winkeye

Chill out room

Post 16229

lostbagpuss999 ..... join us in the h2g2 bookclub .... for scintillating conversation

hello all smiley - smiley
its tooooo hot I am inside with the blinds closed
how are ya ditz ?

Chill out room

Post 16230


smiley - lurk

Chill out room

Post 16231

lostbagpuss999 ..... join us in the h2g2 bookclub .... for scintillating conversation

helloooo intern long time no see how are ya ?smiley - hug

Chill out room

Post 16232


Im good thanks how are you smiley - hug

Chill out room

Post 16233

lostbagpuss999 ..... join us in the h2g2 bookclub .... for scintillating conversation

fine thanks apart from being to flaming hot - did you get flooding ?

Chill out room

Post 16234


No we are to high up so no water got near to us how about you

Chill out room

Post 16235

lostbagpuss999 ..... join us in the h2g2 bookclub .... for scintillating conversation

we escaped - we are about half a mile from the thames and uphill and although the estate opposite was flooded it didnt have the energy to get to us thank goodness - lots of folk suffered tho poor souls

Chill out room

Post 16236


yeah i know loads having to live in temporary accommodation while there houses dry out

Chill out room

Post 16237

ditzyblonde...the girl who loves to eat, drink and be merry....

Coo eee...anyone home? I keep missing you all! It was so hot yesterday..sunbathing had to be done!
Well I read 5 books in Turkey...intern do we have a review page anywhere anymore cos i read a couple of crackers and I might just manage a little review or two!
smiley - smiley

Chill out room

Post 16238


Oh yes we should do more bookish stuffsmiley - biggrin

Chill out room

Post 16239

ditzyblonde...the girl who loves to eat, drink and be merry....

we did have alovely review page ages ago but I dont know what happened to it. Intern would know.smiley - smiley

Chill out room

Post 16240


Come on intern your gosmiley - biggrin

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