A Conversation for h2g2 French Meet in 2013

Getting there...

Post 21

You can call me TC

Should we be looking into hotels already? I usually leave that sort of thing till quite late.....

Getting there...

Post 22


Well, if the hostel is full already, it might be worth starting to look now.
Then if anyone wants to stop you from coming, you can answer that you couldn't possibly cancel, you've got your hotel booked! smiley - biggrin

Getting there...

Post 23



I don't hang about! I've booked this place based on the lovely reviews in Trip Advisor, apparently the owner is a real character smiley - biggrin

Plus it was cheap, more money left for smiley - bubbly

I'm flying Easyjet to CDG arriving 16.25 on the Friday, there seem to be plenty of train connections to Reims. And my flight home on the Sunday is at 21.10 so I have a full day free on the Sunday too (though I should be doing a 10k run at some stage that day....)

Getting there...

Post 24


smiley - ok You can find good offers when you book your train tickets very early (half price or so); not many seats with that price, though, so you need to be fast (reservation is available 3 months in advance).

Getting there...

Post 25

You can call me TC

Quite. *counts on fingers* three months before 15 June is 15 March. So I can't book my train yet.

Getting there...

Post 26


There seems to be a green space (Couree verte?) in the centre of town that I'm pretty sure will be perfect for my Sunday morning run.

Getting there...

Post 27

Sho - employed again!

I can't get the Bundesbahn website to even identify Reims as a place. smiley - sadface

Getting there...

Post 28

You can call me TC

I was looking on TGV Europe.

Getting there...

Post 29


Weird, Sho. I got it on bahn.de yesterday...

Getting there...

Post 30


Sho, I just tried and found it too. smiley - huh

Getting there...

Post 31


Bea, I've been thinking, and if I remember correctly, people often run along the canal. There are also a number of parks. smiley - ok

Getting there...

Post 32

Sho - employed again!

ok what are you entering on Bahn.de
I have tried Reims and Reims Frankreich
(mind you, it won't show me my home station either - probably because it's too small)

Getting there...

Post 33


"Reims" works for me, it then shows me a number of possible matches (from Reims itself, to pretty much every place that contains "Reims", or so it seems).
You need to let it load the whole page first, though, or it won't give you any choices.
smiley - smiley

Getting there...

Post 34

Sho - employed again!

it gives me a whole list of places, of which I've never heard, and then asks me to pick one. Same for my start point.

It really is one of the worst websites I've ever had the misfortune to want to use. I've had problems with it for years (and don't mention the ticket machines...)

Getting there...

Post 35

Sho - employed again!

ok finally found it.
it doesn't have any details because it's too far in the future.
Maybe I'll drive and save myself the bother of having to have anything to do with the stupid ticket machine too.

Getting there...

Post 36


For me, when I type "Reims", Reims is the first on the list of places, followed by Reims Champagne-Ardenne (which is the high speed train station, a little away from the town centre).
Would it be something to do with detecting where you are and offering you the closest possibilities? (but then there might be a chance that you knew some) smiley - weird

Getting there...

Post 37


... or you could drive. Yes. That too.
smiley - simpost

Getting there...

Post 38

dragonqueen - eternally free and forever untamed - insomniac extraordinaire - proprietrix of a bullwhip, badger button and (partly) of a thoroughly used sub with a purple collar. Matron of Honour.

OK, I got the time off from work smiley - drumroll

So, then there is the question - how to get there..?

There are flights from my hometown to Paris (CDG) with a couple of stops on the way.

And then? How to get from CDG to Reims? My French is .. smiley - erm... rusty to put it mildly (last French lesson 1976 ca...)

Any suggestions?

smiley - dragon

Getting there...

Post 39


see post 23. There's lots of trains, some of them very fast, but it's too far away in time yet to make bookings.

If you know what time you'll be at CDG we could travel on together?

Getting there...

Post 40

dragonqueen - eternally free and forever untamed - insomniac extraordinaire - proprietrix of a bullwhip, badger button and (partly) of a thoroughly used sub with a purple collar. Matron of Honour.

Beatrice, I've booked the same hotel as you, Hotel Touring. I'll arrive at CDG airport Friday 14th at 18.40.

Obviously train tickets can't be booked yet.

Well so far so good smiley - smiley

smiley - dragon

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