A Conversation for Games Room

Non Sequiturs

Post 12661


Use the cat.


Non Sequiturs

Post 12662


Thursday is not a good day

Non Sequiturs

Post 12663

Herenna - southpaw for now

If the hat fits, change your socks.

Non Sequiturs

Post 12664


my mother can dance on tables

Non Sequiturs

Post 12665

Herenna - southpaw for now

You can't tell that to a deaf porcupine and expect it pull its socks up.

Non Sequiturs

Post 12666

Lear (the Unready)

The plural of mongoose should be monghi. Or possibly even munghi.

Non Sequiturs

Post 12667

Herenna - southpaw for now

On the internet nobody can hear your motherboard scream.

Non Sequiturs

Post 12668

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Start here.

No, here.

Non Sequiturs

Post 12669


He has a deep baritone moo that will appeal to Yvonne.

Non Sequiturs

Post 12670

Lear (the Unready)

Gorillas should be banned from reading the news. It's a question of bias.

Non Sequiturs

Post 12671

clzoomer- a bit woobly

To see all the details that are visible on the screen, use the print link next to the map.

Non Sequiturs

Post 12672

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Deathly empties.

Non Sequiturs

Post 12673

Ivan the Terribly Average

Great happiness can be derived from the contemplation of a duck.

Non Sequiturs

Post 12674

Herenna - southpaw for now

Goldifish in a mirrored bowl are never lonely, as the actress said to the bishop.

Non Sequiturs

Post 12675

The Groob

"The Happening" by Diana Ross isn't about carrots! Speakers' Corner is laughing at you!

Non Sequiturs

Post 12676


He must have gone to bed at the same time as me, because he just yawned when I did.

Oh, it doesn't work like that, does it?


Non Sequiturs

Post 12677


The printer's doing nothing for me.


Non Sequiturs

Post 12678


Don't touch the washing machine!


Non Sequiturs

Post 12679

Ivan the Terribly Average

It's an excessive amount of custard.

Non Sequiturs

Post 12680

The Groob

You waited until now to tell me that?! So that means I've just spent three hours lubricating the wrong monkey?!

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