A Conversation for cactuscafe

NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords

Post 61


Heh heh I liked your Pet Shop Boy covers too SashaQ! I have that album those two come from, still listen to it from time to time.

NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords

Post 62

SashaQ - happysad

smiley - blush Thanks cactuscafe and Willem smiley - biggrin

Just for you (and because I just felt like it) I made another video today smiley - magichttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SZEqQSvySg - So Hard by PSB

I'm rather proud of that one, too - I love the bass line that my keyboard put in smiley - cool

I did indeed draw the dancers (using pastels) in the Rent video, and it is nifty the way the MovieMaker makes them sway to the music smiley - biggrinsmiley - loveblush

Thank you for the information about Jung - my partner was a psychologist, and really disagreed with the Freudian approach, which I am somewhat familiar with, but she never mentioned the Jungian approach, so I shall read up on that smiley - ok I agree with you, that dreams are on our side smiley - oksmiley - magic I quite often dream about work smiley - erm but it is useful processing of ideas, and I sometimes dream of my partner smiley - loveblush No flying dreams, though...

I have seen some of Paul Klee's work, and I like it, too smiley - oksmiley - artist

NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords

Post 63

pebblederook-The old guy wearing surfer beads- what does he think he looks like?

Just want to set a footprint, and to say that in my opinion there are no dreams more interesting than those I have, an none more boring than other people's. But you can't trust me, right.

NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords

Post 64


Morning all! Splendid! Another SashaQ video and deep thoughts, and lots of things to consider. Back later, to also say hullo to NaJo.

heheh, quite so Pebblederook. smiley - footprints. 'I'll let you be in my dreams, if I can be in yours.' ah the much quoted Dylan lyric. Hope I've quoted it right. Interesting thoughts. Although, these days, if someone tells me about a dream they had last night, I tend find it much more interesting than my own, and am completely in awe of their dreamscapes. And I want to borrow their wings. Or steal them. smiley - rofl

Laters ... smiley - run

NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords

Post 65


Hullo SashaQ! I just checked your next Pet Shop Boys link! Ah, this is a real PSB fest, I love it, makes me happy. Yes, that bass line is really pro, and I just love these piccies, swaying to the music. smiley - musicalnote. And you have a page curl. And the little kittie? Adorable little kittie. smiley - cat.

That's interesting that your partner was a psychologist. It moves me that you still dream of her. smiley - rose I still dream about both my parents, they both died in the last four years. It's so vivid when they appear, and I often wake crying, which is good for me, letting the grief flow.

cc smiley - kiss

NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords

Post 66


15th November 2014 NaJoPoMo

Hullo NaJo! How are you today matey, spirit guide friend of mine? smiley - kiss

E flat dominant 7th smiley - musicalnote

Deep crimson bendy blendy lava lamp melty shapes. Pure lava lamp. Pure undiluted lava lamp. smiley - rofl

smiley - coffee

Just got the new Mojo (music magazine)! Ah, I love a new Mojo. I don't buy it every month, but always a treat when I do. All that potential in the hallowed pages.

Interesting looking free CD attached to it. A compendium of mind blowing heavy psych, space jams and astral chants.

Nice. Goodbye world. smiley - rofl.

OK, that's me.

Is that it? Yes, a slimline NaJo today. Give you all some peace. smiley - rofl

smiley - kiss

NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords

Post 67

Herenna - southpaw for now

smiley - ok

NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords

Post 68


smiley - cheers

NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords

Post 69

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

[Amy P]

NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords

Post 70


16th November 2014 NaJoPoMo

Hullo NaJo, smiley - kiss, in the second half of this month, like starting now, I'm working on the minimalist journal entry.

This could become an art form that I might adopt in my life, like flash fiction, only, in my case, it might not have a beginning, middle bit, ending, relevant point or message.

I wonder am I going to make it in the writing group I'm joined in town? smiley - rofl. (see above paragraph).

Anyway ...

Lava lamp!


Lava lamp! Whilst playing yesterday's chord, smiley - musicalnote, I saw all blendy blobby shapes, which I described as being like my lava lamp!

And? ....

And I just understood the workings of my entire subconscious mind. Well, bits of it. smiley - rofl

So the sonic vibration of the chord brought to the surface some things I had been thinking about earlier, but the subsconsious mind disguised them in a cryptic image. Like in a dream.

So I wasn't having a mystical union with music at all. Damn.

Or maybe I was. Yes! I think I was. smiley - rofl (I dream) smiley - rofl

See, earlier I had been having a truly amazing conversation with Lanzababy about the art and architecture and wonders of Lanzarote, and I was thinking about how I love the light and landscape of the Canary Islands, with the volcanic rock ... the lava fields ...


smiley - coffee

smiley - musicalnote I think yesterday's chord will be today's chord. I'll go play it again, see what happens. smiley - rofl

Hah! Remember the Hitchcock movie, Spellbound? With the dream sequence designed by Salvador Dali? And Gregory Peck and Ingrid Bergman go all misty romantic about each other, even though Gregory has lost his memory, but he has dreams (designed by Dali) and it's incredible how they piece together what happened, using the dream imagery, and .. I won't tell you the ending. smiley - rofl

Was this a minimalist journal entry? smiley - rofl OK I start tomorrow.

NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords

Post 71

Herenna - southpaw for now

smiley - ok

NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords

Post 72

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

[Amy P]

NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords

Post 73


Still reading!

NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords

Post 74


smiley - kisssmiley - kiss

17th November 2014 NaJoPoMo

Morning NaJo my love. smiley - kiss I've sooo much to tell you, just when I'm trying to be minimal with my journal writing. Maybe I have to accept that I'm not minimal, I'm maximal. Or maybe somewhere-in-between-mal.

smiley - coffee

You know what, NaJo? I think I'm alone in the universe. I'll tell you for why.

I've never played Monopoly.

Should I learn?

Because Christmas is a'comin', smiley - holly, all the games are out on display in the shops, and I was looking at the Monopoly sets. There is the traditional set, and then there are the other sets, namely the Dr. Who (Regeneration Edition), and The Walking Dead (Survival Edition).

Where to start, NaJo? The Doc, the Zombies or the Trad?

smiley - coffee

Sooo, what else?

Well ..

You know what?

My husband (who is a musician) has just written this great piece for voice, with guitar backing, entitled Reply to 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. heheh. He's in love with the comet. smiley - love

And now Philae is sleeping. Sweet dreams, little probe. smiley - zzz

smiley - coffee

smiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnote

This morning I talked to my piano. I wasn't sure if it was still speaking to me, or I to it, because I debunked our mystical union. smiley - rofl.

smiley - coffee

Hey piano!

(I said, as I played some weird sounding chords) smiley - musicalnote

I speak to you from a strange hotel in a fictional seaside resort. I love this hotel. The carpet pattern in the lobby looks like tropical plants in a botanical gardens, as viewed through a yellow ochre camera filter.

There's a pale thin fellow in a black bow tie playing piano to no-one in the bar. He reminds me of the poet-angel who visits me in daydreams.

Perhaps some of the other guests will appear soon. If there are any.

I'll go to the bar myself, and buy the pianist a drink.

smiley - musicalnote

smiley - coffee

What?? I think my piano is worried about me, NaJo. smiley - rofl, but I think we're getting on OK now.

Perhaps I should learn Monopoly instead, or book a holiday on 67P. (bet you the fare will cost more than that though. haha).

smiley - coffee

I'm still on tour through the other NaJo journals. So amazing. I want to stop and chat for ever, to everyone! smiley - kisssmiley - kiss

And I could go on all day, NaJo, but better go.

See you tomorrow. smiley - kiss

NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords

Post 75

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

[Amy P]

NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords

Post 76


18th November 2014 NaJoPoMo

Morning NaJo! smiley - kiss

I'm feeling very leapy this morning.


Yes, you know how sometimes you just feel leapy and springy? smiley - boing, even though ladies of my age shouldn't attempt too much leaping. It's more like an inner feeling. My inner leap. Like a slightly hyperactive cricket, that has everywhere to leap to, for no reason whatsoever.

smiley - coffee

smiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnote I've been trying to find the chords for a piece entitled Cormorants on a Pylon.

Hey piano, why do cormorants perch on pylons? smiley - musicalnote

There's this line of electricity pylons near us, beside the road, on the marshes, near the river, big birdwatching area ..

yes ... and? and?

And there's always at least fifty cormorants perched on one of the pylons, and a little ways along the electrical wire. Not all the pylons, just the one.

We've been seeing them for years. Same pylon. They must be into at least the fifth generation by now. How come they don't perch in the trees? There are plenty of trees around.

Very photogenic is the cormorant. Black feathers, sleek, mysterious. Especially in silhouette, with wings outstretched. I think they look like rockstars.

smiley - musicalnote

And ...

Oh, I have to go, NaJo. How you will miss me, until tomorrow. smiley - rofl


Time to leap into my day. smiley - boing

NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords

Post 77

Herenna - southpaw for now

smiley - ok

NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords

Post 78

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Your leaping reminded me of my favourite lemurs:


NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords

Post 79

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

[Amy P]

NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords

Post 80


'Time to leap into my day smiley - boing' when I read that Quantum leap theme tune came into my head smiley - bigeyes

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