A Conversation for cactuscafe
NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords
Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) Posted Nov 11, 2014
[Amy P]
NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords
Willem Posted Nov 11, 2014
Hi Cactuscafé! I also love the Tintin books, I have all of them. I would also love to have them all in the original French too! Hergé (real name Georges Remi)at this point had a studio of artists who helped him with the drawings and colour. Actually he ended up marrying one of his assistants, Fanny Vlaminck. (This name is funny in Afrikaans, it translates as Fanny Flamingo.) Some of his personal issues was about that, since he left his wife Germaine for Fanny and felt very guilty about it.
The Buddhist angle is interesting because the story was the first Tintin adventure that didn't have any 'bad guy'.
NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords
SashaQ - happysad Posted Nov 11, 2014
Thanks cactuscafe That is interesting about the whiteness... I don't think I saw the animation of that episode, if it was animated...
IWhen I went to Belgium, I bought a Flemish cartoon book and picked up the language surprisingly quickly, but I have learned a bit of German and French, so that helped me to guess what some of the words mean
By the way, I play a Yamaha keyboard - I'm not in a band, but I have used the keyboard's multi track functions to pretend there's more than one player I'm not all that good, but I do enjoy it
NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords
cactuscafe Posted Nov 12, 2014
Hah! Hullo all! Great to hear from you.
We are having problems with our internet service provider today, there's an intermittent signal, so let's hope it holds while I am communing with NaJo.
So you have all the Tintin books also, Willem? I must tell my brother! He'd still want to read them in every language under the sun if he could get them. heheh. I wonder how many languages they are translated into?
Those are really interesting facts about Herge, thanks. I always wondered about the drawings, and what brought on his breakdown.
Yes, interesting, the Tintin in Tibet story had no bad guy, probably why I loved it so much.
A very compassionate tale, and even the yeti came good, in a way, because he didn't kill the boy, Chang. In fact he tried to look after him. So he wasn't portrayed as the archetypal monster, even though he was quite hairy scary in the drawing. Hmm, interesting.
Hah! Excellent, SashaQ. Is that you playing on the YouTube link? Sounds great. I love love love the Pet Shop Boys.
Flemish is an interesting language. I saw this great film on TV the other night, and the dialogue was part in Flemish, part in French, with English subtitles of course. I'd never heard Flemish spoken before.
I'd better make a pawprint for Nov 12, in case this signal fades again.
NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords
cactuscafe Posted Nov 12, 2014
November 12th NaJoPoMo
Just a quickie today, lay down some November 12th pawprints, in case our internet signal disappears again.
Ah footprints. I remember one time we went to Gran Canaria, and there was this long long long sandy beach, and everyone walked up and down along the shoreline all day. By evening, there were all these footprints in the sand, hundreds of footprints! And pawprints also, from the trotting doggies.
No yeti prints though. .
I just made up a chord today. It sounded like sweet azure blue, with emerald green peppermint flecks. Quite an abstract loveliness, which made me hungry.
Phew, well, I made it. Better post before I fade out ....
NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords
Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) Posted Nov 12, 2014
[Amy P]
NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords
cactuscafe Posted Nov 13, 2014
13th November 2014 JaJoPoMo
Test 1212, do I have an internet communication signal? (crackle crackle) Yes!
This the Rosetta Philae probe here, do you read me? It's good on this comet. Quite rocky, but there's potential. And the secret to life on earth is ... is ... wait a minute, my battery is getting low .. is ...damn, I've cut out.
Dear NaJo, , sorry about the stupid start. I actually think it's an amazing achievement to land a probe on a comet. And it's only two miles wide, and it's moving quite fast,
, and the landing bounced twice. What???
I secretly hope they find out something incredible.
Where do comets come from then? Are there other ones out there, with water and life potential on them? Imagine that. We could have molecular relatives on a comet??
OK NaJo I'll shuddup and go read some Science for Kids websites. .
So yesterday evening I was sitting in the swimming cool cafe, listening to my bottle of fizzy water, watching cometscapes on TV, and thinking about communication, and technology.
I love listening to fizzy water, especially when I open a new bottle. Put it to my ear and listen to the bubbles fizz. All sparkly and snappy pinpoint silver sonic. A sonic galaxy.
What's comet-speek for 'I have no life'?
Happy. Good days. Christmas appearing in the shops! Yay! Snow globes and plastic mistletoe and lit up reindeer. I truly love it. And ...
Time to go. I have plenty days left to go on about sparkly shops.
And B dominant 11th appears to sound like atmospheric concave shadow shapes, like caves made of .. made of what? concave textures in the atmosphere.
I hope there's no dream analysts reading this journal. . I might have to emigrate to the comet that my mother came from.
NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords
Herenna - southpaw for now Posted Nov 13, 2014
Very interesting so far cactuscafe.
IMHO dreams are best analysed or interpreted by the person who had the dream - they're in a better position to sort out what was just a recent event being processed out, what's a random bit from the subconscious, and which bits might deserve more attention.
NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords
Peanut Posted Nov 13, 2014
Hello Darling
I have a link for you
Warning might blow you mind a little, it is the comet song, recorded by Rosetta, we can hear it, the song is due to the oscillations in the magnetic field in the comet's environment, just
leaves plenty of Perculiar and slow gin
NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords
Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) Posted Nov 13, 2014
[Amy P]
NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Nov 13, 2014
Peanut and CC,
That comet song IS mind-blowing. Think about it: for hundreds of years, poets talked about 'the music of the spheres'. And here it is. How did they know?
Also, why does it sound like American Indian music?
NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords
cactuscafe Posted Nov 13, 2014
Evening all!
That's incredible, Peanut darlin'. How extraordinary. I just forwarded it to the husband who is sitting at his laptop in his room. He used to work as a voice therapist, sound healer sort of chap, so he's now gone mental.
The Music of the Spheres! And yes, the similarity to the the American Indian rattle, and rhythm. And in the shamanic traditions, there is always a focus on sound, the healing chant, and then there are mantras, and holy roses! ..
holy roses? what've they got to do with it ..
. It was just me having an idea.
holy roses! what if the entire universe is made of sonic vibration??
The husband just sent me this link.
The sounds are a greeting to humans, eh? Well, erm, hullo then!! heheheh. hmm.
Now I think I'll change postings, to discuss dream analysis with Herenna.
NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords
cactuscafe Posted Nov 13, 2014
Yes, I agree with that, Herenna. The dreamer knows best! I've known a few dream analysts in my time, had a couple of sessions. I prefer the Jungian approach to the Freudian, but as you say, I like to make up my own original interpretation.
One analyst I knew was this really great lady, she would always ask what does the dream mean to you? don't think about it, just come up with a spontaneous word or realisation, even if it sounds daft, because deep down you know the truth anyway. And that was really good.
And exactly what we're saying, in fact. .
NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords
SashaQ - happysad Posted Nov 13, 2014
What's the Jungian approach, if I may ask? I went through a phase of reading dream interpretation books, but never found them satisfying - of course they can't interpret dreams in context, which makes a huge difference...
Yes it is me playing my version of Its a sin - I'm quite proud of that one, even though I do say so myself I have recorded a few other PSB tunes, and I need to make videos for them soon - quite challenging, but very fun to do! Here's another one for your enjoyment - I'm not 100% happy with it, as I meant to add the other verses in, but I like the smooth backing track
NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords
cactuscafe Posted Nov 14, 2014
Hullo SashaQ!
Well, the subject of Jungian dream analysis is quite huge really. I don't know if I can put it in a nutshell, I've always been a bit awed by it, and I'm not a gifted enough writer to represent it responsibly.
It's all based on the ideas of the Swiss psychiatrist, Carl Jung, who, for better or for worse, (peoples' opinions are much divided) has had a huge influence on dream analysis.
If I'm faced with studying a new school of thought, I usually experience an initial mistrust , and therefore I tend to check up on the life and times of the person or people who began it all. Who opened the gates of this school in the first place? I say to myself. Do I trust them?
So consequently I'd recommend that anyone interested in Carl Jung, firstly reads the famous biography, written in collaboration with the man himself, entitled Memories, Dreams, Reflections. It's a fascinating story, about a very unusual chap, and it covers all his ideas on dream analysis.
Oooh splendid! Another SashaQ track! Thankyou! . I'm going to save it till later, special treat, heheh, have to post my NaJo, then rush out into my day, late already.
NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords
cactuscafe Posted Nov 14, 2014
November 14th 2014 NaJoPoMo
Morning NaJo!
I've been up since first light, playing my piano (under headphones luckily haha). Been thinking about dreams and conspiracty theories, and all sorts of things, so I've just been rambling all over the keyboard, taking my subconscious mind for a walk
. Clearing the debris, so I can have a clear mind, empty brain, start again. New day, new way, new page, new stage.
Swoop and glide and zigzag and cartoon and tangle and spangle and half-story, daft glory, ancient and abstract and futuristic paintbox, get married to melody, trip over ideas, knock my head on absurdity, offer chocolate to discord, , juggle with ...
yeh yeh you get the idea. .
I often think about Paul Klee, artist, , who famously had the idea to take the line for a walk all over the page, loosen it all up, see where it leads. I love that.
I think dreams are on our side, however scary. The brain's way of clearing the debris, healing itself. The neuroscience of dreams. I think neuroscience is my trusted guide these days. Almost-trusted. .
I think it can be scary, delving into the subconscious. Perhaps a trusted guide is sometimes necessary. After all, if we can travel 300 million miles into outer space, we can travel at least that into inner space.
Who knows what passing rocks we might encounter. Especially if they have an alien space station concealed within them.
What about conspiracy theories then? Are they paranoia? Myth making? Have they always been around? Have they ever been proved to be true?
My husband has flying dreams. I'm really envious. Usually he is running away from a dark, malevolent force that is chasing him, and he gets to the edge of a ravine. Instead of falling over, he takes off and flies like an eagle! He flies for miles! He can look down on the landscape below, as he swoops and curls and flies through the air.
So lucky. Damn. I want to fly!!
NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords
Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) Posted Nov 14, 2014
[Amy P]
NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords
cactuscafe Posted Nov 14, 2014
I loved the second Pet Shop Boys track, SashaQ! Just listened to it! Sounds really pro. to me!
The picture collage was unusual also, inspiring, the way you made the painting of the dancers move like that. Did you paint those dancers?
That's a really good idea, you know, put a collage of pictures to a musical track. (steals idea. haha. not really)
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NaJoPoMo '14 cactus chords
- 41: Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) (Nov 11, 2014)
- 42: Willem (Nov 11, 2014)
- 43: SashaQ - happysad (Nov 11, 2014)
- 44: cactuscafe (Nov 12, 2014)
- 45: cactuscafe (Nov 12, 2014)
- 46: Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) (Nov 12, 2014)
- 47: cactuscafe (Nov 13, 2014)
- 48: Herenna - southpaw for now (Nov 13, 2014)
- 49: Peanut (Nov 13, 2014)
- 50: Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) (Nov 13, 2014)
- 51: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Nov 13, 2014)
- 52: cactuscafe (Nov 13, 2014)
- 53: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Nov 13, 2014)
- 54: cactuscafe (Nov 13, 2014)
- 55: cactuscafe (Nov 13, 2014)
- 56: SashaQ - happysad (Nov 13, 2014)
- 57: cactuscafe (Nov 14, 2014)
- 58: cactuscafe (Nov 14, 2014)
- 59: Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) (Nov 14, 2014)
- 60: cactuscafe (Nov 14, 2014)
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