A Conversation for cactuscafe

Daydream Journal

Post 1681

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Hey CC, you might want to check out the following the Great Music Animation Machine does music. Here is one on one of Bach's Brandenburg Concerto #4.


Daydream Journal

Post 1682

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Good news for Daydreamers interested in the Glastonbury Festival. I don't know how expensive it is to go to live but it will be covered extensively by BBC digitally.


This includes The Rolling Stones concert on Saturday night. So all of you happy froods should be thrilled. Including those with spouses from the Highlands who are watching their pocketbooks! smiley - evilgrin

Daydream Journal

Post 1683


When they said about the rolling stones tipping up I thought that if it was a nice night, I had the car I might be randomly tempted to climb a hill nearby and listen

while we were out we could look out for smiley - badger and hedgehogs and maybe hear some owls too

make an evening of it smiley - zensmiley - galaxy

we would be so chuffed if we saw a smiley - badger on the night we heard the Rolling Stones play at Glastonbury while we munched on a picnic, huddled in a blanket and supped from a flask of perculiar smiley - tea

not too perculiar obviously as I would be driving *responsible driver*

no perculiarness while driving *nods*

smiley - biggrin

Daydream Journal

Post 1684

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Gosh, that would make a terrific smiley - thepost article Peanut. I am waiting with bated breath for it.

Partiuclar;y for thesmiley - badgers and s and foxes.

Daydream Journal

Post 1685


smiley - blush,it was more for the daydream thread, if it happened I would love to share it with you here smiley - kiss

Daydream Journal

Post 1686


Yes! Awesome! What a picnic. Hullo Peanut! smiley - kiss

smiley - badger We need a hedgehog smiley. smiley - rofl.

The sound of the Stones drifting across the Vale of Avalon, filling the hologram Holy Grail with sonic energy. smiley - rofl.

Not sure what Joseph of Arimathea would make of Jagger, though. smiley - rofl.

What is the hologram Holy Grail? I don't know, I made it up, but I like it.

Do you think Joseph of Arimathea really was in Glastonbury? It's a beautiful legend, anyway.

You're right there, Elektra luv, thank heavens for the BBC coverage! Tickets for Glasto are vastly expensive, but also Scottie boy and I long ago gave up festival camping. Wondrous to sit back on the sofa, smug heaven, smiley - rofl, with a smiley - redwine and watch it all for freeeee on teeeeveeee. heheh.

Ahhh, used to go to the Fest in the 80s though. Listening to Van Morrison on the Pyramid Stage, with the sun setting behind the distant Tor. mmmm. Although I think I prefer smug sofa heaven. smiley - rofl

Wait! Have to consider the previous posting before the posting before that. Back in a minute.

Daydream Journal

Post 1687


(sips peculiar tea) smiley - tea

mmm. Nice. Yes, Peanut's picnic is kinda special. I just saw a green and pink striped badger. What??? It's the tea. smiley - badger.

I love love lerv that Great Music Animation Machine doing Bach! That's incredible! Thanks Elektra! I know those music patterns, I see them in my head, it's like a postcard from home, I'm happy.

smiley - kiss

I'm writing some Notes about nothing right now. So what's new, I hear you say, hahaha. I've decided that my muse is the nothingness yet everythingness of nothing happening.

It concerns someone called Jim who thinks he sees the ghost of his Aunt Annie in the laundromat, and nothing much else happens. I'll print it here when I've dreamed the nothingness of the no-ending.

smiley - badgersmiley - badgersmiley - badger

Daydream Journal

Post 1688

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Hey daydreamers here is a hot pink canivorous snail from high atop a mountain in Australia. Just the thing your likely to see if you drink too much perculiar tea.


Daydream Journal

Post 1689


you could see psychedelic jellyfish if you try the mushroom omelette smiley - bigeyes


there are lots of lovely jellyfish smiley - whistle

Daydream Journal

Post 1690


smiley - groan wrong link, sorry


Daydream Journal

Post 1691


Holy psychedelic angels, plants, prayers, striped things, and planet Earth peculiar amazing, footprints dance around in funny dance. smiley - footprints.

Fluorescent pink slugs, and psychedelic jellyfish and ...... gasp gasp .... need tea. smiley - tea. How incredible are these??? Fact is stranger than fiction, eh? Now my dreams are colorized. smiley - rofl

Thankyou. smiley - kiss Incredible. My favourites list will glow in the dark, with this lot stored in there. heheh.

smiley - redwine

/A story within a story/what is this daydream about? hmm

smiley - redwine

My story began well enough.

It concerned Jim, a friend of mine, who thought he saw the ghost of his late Aunt Annie in the laundromat. At least he thought it was a ghost, but it could have been a lookalike.

smiley - biro

Unfortunately, the only draft of this story, a handwritten scrawl on a single A4 sheet, went through the washing machine in the inside pocket of Jim's denim jacket, and was rendered illegible.

I had lent it to him to read, because it was all about him. And Aunt Annie.

smiley - biro

I can fill in, though, for now.

smiley - biro

Aunt Annie left the laundromat.

Jim was now convinced she was a lookalike, because the ghost of Aunt Annie would never have let him get away with not checking his pockets before a wash.

He was going to read the story while he waited. However, the script was now close to its first rinse, so he drifted round to the newsagent for a paper and a bar of chocolate.

smiley - biro

To his surprise, Aunt Annie was there too, at the magazine stand, leafing through a gardening magazine.

Jim paled and felt dizzy.

'You look as white as a ghost' said the lady at the till.

Aunt Annie looked up briefly, then returned to the magazine.

Jim walked slowly back to the laundromat.

'Definitely a lookalike', he concluded. 'Ghosts don't read magazines. And even if they did, the ghost of Aunt Annie wouldn't read a gardening magazine. She preferred paper flowers, or silk for special occasions.

Real flowers made her sad, for reasons unknown to me.'

When the wash cycle ended, Jim pulled out the pulpy mess of the script from the machine, and checked his jacket. In another pocket he found a five pence coin, a cowrie shell and a red paper poppy from Remembrance Sunday.

smiley - biro

I'll rewrite the story one day, even though it is inconclusive.

Perhaps Jim can help me with the ending.

And Aunt Annie too, of course.

smiley - biro

Daydream Journal

Post 1692

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I really like this one. smiley - smiley

Daydream Journal

Post 1693


smiley - cool

I wonder what to make of the cowrie shell, 5p and a poppy, *ponders*

thanks for giving me lovely things to ponder smiley - kiss

Daydream Journal

Post 1694


Sorry I've been absent for a while. smiley - sadface

We went to Scotland over the Bank Holiday weekend. We walked round a loch and part way up a mountain.
I thought I saw a small white monster in a loch- until I realised it was a swan with its neck under water. smiley - laugh
But the journey home was horrible - it rained so much the roads disappeared behind spray and the M25 was a slow-moving chain of vehicles all the way. smiley - groan

I like your story about the ghost of Aunt Annie, cc. It has that wistfulness you get when something is glimpsed but not fully understood. I feel that, if we knew the significance of the coin, the cowrie shell and the poppy, we might have the story of Jim's life and his relationship with his aunt. Interesting.

Daydream Journal

Post 1695

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - biggrin So MVP was the Englishwoman who went 'round a loch and came halfway down a mountain...smiley - run I'd ask if you saw Hugh Grant, but you were busy watching the monster swans.

Good for you. smiley - hug

Daydream Journal

Post 1696


Hugh Grant? No such luck. smiley - laugh

When did meet a Scotsman who reminded me a bit of Tim the Enchanter from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. smiley - laugh We were going to walk up Dollar Glen to Castle Campbell.
"Are you going to go through the Glen? It's treacherous," he said. "It's quite steep and there aren't any handrails."
We managed.

Daydream Journal

Post 1697


Hey, thanks luvvies, I wish I knew too, about the shell, the coin and the poppy, and Aunt Annie. I wish my daydream spirits would tell me what I'm talking about. smiley - rofl.I was hoping you guys would know. smiley - rofl hmm.

Aye, and welcome home lassie. (pours hearty whisky). I love the swan monster. smiley - rofl.

Hugh Grant?? (racks brain for Hugh Grant loch connection) ... mmmm .. ??

M25 .... aaaargh ... aka The London Orbital. I quite like that name though, The London Orbital. smiley - geek. Alas, not a relaxing motorway. It is always so congested, it snakes around London like a slow slithering metallic traffic snake, with ten million headlights for eyes.

smiley - redwine

Me and my mother in law had a Nessie sighting once. Honest we did. Well, almost honest. smiley - rofl. It might have been a bendy light effect. smiley - rofl.

When she moved to the old folks home in Inverness, we'd visit and drive her around the Loch. We had a fine time, she'd get well happy, wrapped in her tartan rug. I'm glad she saw Nessie before she died.

We never saw Hugh Grant though. mmm

Daydream Journal

Post 1698


Hah! We have a location clue ... Dollar Glen to Castle Campbell ... so ... must check map, must be near Dollar, is that just North of Edinburgh? Did you drive all the way then, from home? You must have, if you took the M25. How long did that take you?

Must have been great though, despite the M25, are you going to write about it? Hope so!

Love the Tim the Enchanter character. smiley - rofl.

Are you confused about the Hugh Grant connection? I am. smiley - rofl. I await insight.

Daydream Journal

Post 1699


One of Auntie Annie quirks was to always pick up coins that people dropped on the street, even if it was a really grubby one smiley - yuk or other people would consider it embaressing to so, she just couldn't help herself.

She would wrap them in a tissue and clean them when she got home and put them in a small blue glass jar on her windowsill.

When she had £1.98 she would treat herself to a cup of smiley - tea and a piece of cake often in her favourite local cafe. It cost £1.80 but she always put an extra 10% in the box for the lifeguards.

Other times she would spend her coins if she was on a day trip or on holiday and enjoyed the recollection of all the cups of smiley - tea and smiley - cake she had enjoyed over a lifetime and the ones she hadn't smiley - laugh

She said that since the introduction of the 5p the frequency of her visits to the cafe had increased considerably. Because the new 5p was such a fiddly little coin that people didn't really like, they were much more often dropped and left than the bigger 5p and even more so than coppers, coins with a lesser value.

Jim felt the warmth of affection as he remembered Auntie Annie's associaion with the 5p in his hand and idly wondered how much of a lifeboat she had funded in her time. A life jacket maybe, he had no idea of how one would cost but it seemed reasonable to him

Daydream Journal

Post 1700


Bit of a correction

She said that since the introduction of the *new* 5p the frequency of her visits to the cafe had increased considerably.

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