A Conversation for cactuscafe

Daydream Journal

Post 1421


I'm really impressed! smiley - rofl

and check this!


I don't know if the link works but there's a Guide Entry about uni cycles!

Daydream Journal

Post 1422


It worked! Interesting article too smiley - ta

Maybe I had potential then, while I didn't make 30 metres, it was around about an hour, which I had known that at the time I would have a big deal out it smiley - winkeye

never came close to getting the hang of dismounting though, I think the two times I landed on my feet the unicycle still found a way to clobber me smiley - laugh

Daydream Journal

Post 1423


It is another lovely day here smiley - cool

I've have even managed to to get a couple of lines of washing, drying, not hugely exciting I know but satisfying and they smell nice.

Today I feel like I have been a domestic goddess, washing, drying, gave my house a good going over before abandoning it to the teenager and her friend and moving to my Mums for the night.

Spiller is down for the weekend and tea is nearly organised, something that can be reheated when he gets here, as he has to put in a full days work and then a four hour drive I like to do that smiley - angelsmiley - winkeye

Cheese and tatty pie and a venison bolanaisey type thing, sounds mighty posh that but I had saved up from last week and had £6 to spend on meat this week, and it turns out that if you mash up three vension burgers it is as cheap as turkey mince.

I can't quite pull off the Nigella type goddess thing in the kitchen, more of a Floyd smiley - redwinesmiley - redwine

Daydream Journal

Post 1424


In case our friends from furthur afield don't get the referances



Keith Floyd


I'm sorry that pic is in the article of his death but it is a classic

Daydream Journal

Post 1425

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

That woman looks like the one we've been subjected to on hulu with the 'I Can't Believe It's Not Butter' adverts. But I looked it up - I think it's a different jane, somebody with the unlikely name of Vanderpump. smiley - rofl

Enjoy your feast! smiley - hug

Daydream Journal

Post 1426


smiley - snork

and thank you I will smiley - hug

Daydream Journal

Post 1427


smiley - rofl

And bon appetite to you, Nigella of the West Country. smiley - rofl Cheeky wink.

smiley - run

I'm so stupid when I read about the discovery of a possible twin Earth


I respect science, but I end up thinking stupid things like 'That's strange, because my second cousin Dave sent me a postcard from there last year'

smiley - rofl

Good to allow the stupid human touch, in the face of all that vast universe. I'm sure the universe has space for second cousin Dave.

And me.

Daydream Journal

Post 1428

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - snork I want your second cousin Dave to send ME a postcard from Kepler 823.

Because I want to go there.

It doesn't have reality TV yet. Or Nigella. smiley - run

Daydream Journal

Post 1429


Oh no! And Storm Thorgerson just died. smiley - rose

He's the fellow who designed all the iconic Pink Floyd album covers. I have so many books of his album cover paintings, a huge cultural hero/reference point for me.

RIP Storm, your art will live forever.


Daydream Journal

Post 1430


heheheh, except Dave was just asking me to send him some of Nigella's recipes smiley - rofl, he says the food on Kepler 928 isn't great. smiley - rofl.

He'd love to meet you, that's for sure. Dave's a scifi fanatic. Shall we take a trip together? smiley - rofl. 1970 style smiley - rofl.

Daydream Journal

Post 1431


928??? I typed 928. Where did that come from? smiley - rofl

Daydream Journal

Post 1432


I had a fine weekend, sunlight and riding bikes and plenty moments of being, and everywhere there are galaxies of primroses.

smiley - rose

A friend from way back got in touch, very special, our lives went different ways but we're going to meet up and catch up and think about it all again.

Think about what? smiley - rofl. I don't know, I just like that phrase, think about it all again. It's poetic somehow.

smiley - rose

My birthday was on Saturday, I don't feel a day over 96. smiley - rofl. No, it was great, we did our simple usual things, because the simple usual things are the best for us, and our wedding anniversary was today, Sunday, and we did more simple usual things, smiley - rofl, apart from eating a packet of beetroot crisps, which were quite peculiar. smiley - rofl

smiley - redwine

I see that hootoo has a birthday coming up! Happy birthday hootoo, from me to you, thankyou for being a place where I can wordpaint the pattern of moment, with dear friends who put up with all my idiosyncratic insecure illuminated inspirations. smiley - rofl

smiley - redwine

I realised today that the pattern of moment is the same as a moment of being, and it makes me smile deeply, like I have come home, and all helped along by talking to you guys, and this book I am reading called The Cosmic Serpent by Jeremy Narby, all about shamanic visions and DNA, it is so awesome I understand it from the inside out, and deep breath because that was all one paragraph without a full stop. Faints.

smiley - rofl

Daydream Journal

Post 1433


Happy Birthday cc smiley - gift

and Happy Anniversery to you both smiley - bubblysmiley - lovesmiley - bubbly

I glad you enjoyed your celebrations in the style that you wished smiley - hug

I have never tred a beetroot crisp before, tried a parsnip one, it was ok.

I love parsnips, Spiller and I don't have many disagreements but the best way to cook a parsnip is one of them, he likes mashed best, I liked roasted smiley - drool

Daydream Journal

Post 1434

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Ditto to that CC. Here is an Earth Day treat for you all:


Daydream Journal

Post 1435


mmm I love a parsnip, cooked any way. Parsnip soup smiley - drool lovely. 'Snipsoop we call it. smiley - rofl

Oooh, lovely Earthday Birthday Birthday Earthday butterfly, Elektra. smiley - bluebutterflysmiley - kisssmiley - kiss

OK, later to continue considering myth and molecules, smiley - rofl, and to read more of the EarthdayBirthdayPost smiley - rofl, nice one Mister Ed and all contributors. smiley - kiss

smiley - badgersmiley - titsmiley - cheesecakesmiley - dragon (that's Willem's, the Parktown Prawn, smiley - rofl).

Daydream Journal

Post 1436


I'm glad you had a happy birthday and anniversary cc. smiley - bubbly

We went cycling on Sunday too, and all the flowers are out : primroses, wood anemones, celandines, lady's smock. smiley - smiley I didn't see any bluebells, but my husband did. Bees are out too.

I didn't know the Natural History Museum had live butterflies,Elektra. Perhaps I should go and see them. smiley - orangebutterflysmiley - bluebutterfly

Daydream Journal

Post 1437

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Do go and take pictures. Lots of wonderful photo ops there. And the georgeous creatures light on you.

Daydream Journal

Post 1438


Snipsoop, I like that, another one for my vocabulary I think smiley - biggrin

Elektra gave me weed whacker last week (strimmer) smiley - cheers

I have see one bee this year, no wasps which usually munch on the aphids and that and a couple of smiley - bluebutterfly

But something is living in the stick and mud pile, other than bugs, hole is too little for a hedgehog, so we'll be watching it for coming and goings

Daydream Journal

Post 1439


Thanks all, for greetings smiley - kiss

So what is it that is living in the stick and mud pile? Perhaps it's a Parktown Prawn. smiley - rofl.

What is it? What could it be? I am obsessed now.

Hey Peanut, I changed guises, how about hopeful poet? You like hopeful poet? I like it, I'm happy. Strange, today, this guy we know stopped me in town to check my bike. He said he had a unicycle of the same make.

Unicycles are following me! haha. Or maybe it's unicorns. Or unicorns on unicycles.

smiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnote

Daydream Journal

Post 1440


oo, look at you, in your new guise and you look very fetching in it too, suits you smiley - kiss

I'm going to make it a little damp and muddy around the pile to see if footprints give us a clue

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