A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER
108Xth Conversation at Lil's
Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky. Posted Sep 18, 2013
You could also check out the website, B4:
108Xth Conversation at Lil's
Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere]) Posted Sep 18, 2013
108Xth Conversation at Lil's
Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence Posted Sep 23, 2013
I had another one of those drive-by fevers this weekend. That's me accounted for. During periods of consciousness I spurned food and messed about with digital graphics.
What's your excuse? *gives the silent salon a lòók*
108Xth Conversation at Lil's
Pastey Posted Sep 23, 2013
I had a drive by fever type thing myself
What we need is a good discussion:
Yoghurt: Set or runny, fruity or plain?
108Xth Conversation at Lil's
Bagpuss Posted Sep 23, 2013
Yoghourt - definitely runny & fruity. I will sometimes have natural yogurt and put it with fruit.
Also most yoghurts in the supermarket are pretty bland. I almost always go for Longley Farms, because it actually tastes like yogourt.
108Xth Conversation at Lil's
Pastey Posted Sep 23, 2013
Absolutely Bagpuss, thankfully our local supermarket stocks them!
108Xth Conversation at Lil's
Titania (gone for lunch) Posted Sep 23, 2013
Organic Swedish (as in made from reasonably local stuff) yoghurt, varying in fat content depending (I guess) on the season; 3.8-4.5%.
I like to use it to make a sort of Lassi, mixing bubbly water, yoghurt, freshly squeezed lemon and a bit of salt. Keeps my tummy happy.
108Xth Conversation at Lil's
Woolly Mammoth Posted Sep 23, 2013
Set yoghurt is disturbing and strangely wrong, plain is ok if you are going to add your own fruit. There is only one acceptable yoghurt: runny and fruit flavoured.
108Xth Conversation at Lil's
Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) Posted Sep 23, 2013
I was out of town without my laptop. Not that I've been talkative lately. Not that I generally am anyway.
108Xth Conversation at Lil's
Dizzy the Void Posted Sep 24, 2013
Yog-Sothothurt. That way you get the best of both worlds! One of which contains a congeries of iridescent spheres.
But to answer the question: Greek, and with fruit.
108Xth Conversation at Lil's
Beatrice Posted Sep 24, 2013
Plain Greek. It's the most versatile - if I want to add fruit to it, I can. I can make Bircher Muesli or overnight oats with it. Or add cucumber for raita. Or blob it onto tagines and curries. Or mix with a hard boiled egg.
In general, I dislike "fruit-flavoured" things, and I'm aghast at the amount of sugar added to sweet food items.
Key: Complain about this post
108Xth Conversation at Lil's
- 2961: Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky. (Sep 18, 2013)
- 2962: Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere]) (Sep 18, 2013)
- 2963: Bagpuss (Sep 21, 2013)
- 2964: Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky. (Sep 23, 2013)
- 2965: Todaymueller (Sep 23, 2013)
- 2966: Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence (Sep 23, 2013)
- 2967: Pastey (Sep 23, 2013)
- 2968: Witty Moniker (Sep 23, 2013)
- 2969: Pastey (Sep 23, 2013)
- 2970: Pastey (Sep 23, 2013)
- 2971: Bagpuss (Sep 23, 2013)
- 2972: Pastey (Sep 23, 2013)
- 2973: Titania (gone for lunch) (Sep 23, 2013)
- 2974: Pastey (Sep 23, 2013)
- 2975: Woolly Mammoth (Sep 23, 2013)
- 2976: Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) (Sep 23, 2013)
- 2977: Dizzy the Void (Sep 24, 2013)
- 2978: marvthegrate LtG KEA (Sep 24, 2013)
- 2979: Beatrice (Sep 24, 2013)
- 2980: Titania (gone for lunch) (Sep 24, 2013)
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