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Walking With Cavemen

Post 1

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

Does anybody know where I can see a copy of "Walking With Cavemen" online without having to pay for it? Preferably the version where Alec Baldwin is the host, but I'll take what I can get. ('Cause I'm cheap.)

Incidentally, "Walking With Monsters," "Walking With Dinosaurs," and "Walking With Beasts" are all available on YouTube, if any of you wanted to see those.

smiley - pirate

Walking With Cavemen

Post 2


smiley - yikesI didn't realise that anyone other than me had ever wanted to watch 'Walking with Cavemen'smiley - mammoth

Why would you want to see the Alec Baldwin version, rather than Professor Ray Winston? He's an actor and doesn't even have a moustache.smiley - huh


Walking With Cavemen

Post 3

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

I saw it several years ago on TV, and I want to see it again.

'Sides, what's wrong with actors? Actors are allowed to be intelligent and educated and good documentary hosts.

Better documentary hosts, I'd say, being as they're actually trained and experienced at public presentation. Often when paleontologists and historians and various experts of their field act as the host they can be, y'know, "stiff".

This is not universally true of course; Neil DeGrasse Tyson is very good in front of cameras and crowds, because Neil DeGrasse Tyson is awesome and should be emulated by everyone.

But anyway, to answer your question, it's because that's the one I saw several years ago and I want to see it again. smiley - smiley

smiley - pirate

Walking With Cavemen

Post 4


So you're not defending his lack of moustache, I see...


Walking With Cavemen

Post 5


>>Better documentary hosts, I'd say, being as they're actually trained and experienced at public presentation. Often when paleontologists and historians and various experts of their field act as the host they can be, y'know, "stiff".

Absolutely. I'd cite 'Coast' as a prime example, where the host Nicholas Crane is doubtless a qualified chappie, but cannot deliver his lines properly; he often ends a sentence on the 'wrong' tone, so it sounds like there's more to

Walking With Cavemen

Post 6

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"


To say? Is that what you meant? smiley - winkeye

"So you're not defending his lack of moustache, I see..."


If it matters SO MUCH to you, then sure, complain about his lack of facial hair.

smiley - pirate

Walking With Cavemen

Post 7


Time Team has yet to be beaten for presentation. Tony Robinson was superbe. But all those who ever spoke to camera were excellent.

Dan Snow and his father have good presentation,but the best solo presenter is probably Neil Oliver.

Walking With Cavemen

Post 8

Icy North

AGree about Tony Robinson - he always played the fool,but after a while it was clear he knew as much about the subject as any of those experts.

Neil Oliver's not to my taste, but he's certainly a gifted presenter. That guy who does the geology shows is good - forget his name. Oh, and I love the controlled amateurishness of the Sky at Night presenters. You feel they know as little about the subject as you do, and that we're learning about this complicated spacey stuff together.

Walking With Cavemen

Post 9


Why does Neil Oliver so often choose to go on camera wearing a backpack, or with a satchel? Doesn't he trust the camera-crew with his Arbroath Smokies?

Walking With Cavemen

Post 10

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

But do any of you know where I can find this online?

smiley - pirate

Walking With Cavemen

Post 11


No, but while we're giving other replies, annoying as they might be, they do at least bump the thread.

Walking With Cavemen

Post 12

Sho - employed again!

Brian Cox (prof not actor) is a good presenter.

To take the thread in a slightly different direction: looking for things on the cheap is good on an individual level, but it does rather mean less money to make more of the good stuff smiley - canofworms

Walking With Cavemen

Post 13


Yes Daily motion bbc
/Xmkhsy wakinig-with-cavemen

Try bbc I player but that might just be UK only

Let us know how you get onsmiley - smiley

Walking With Cavemen

Post 14


Just search Daiymotion walking walking with cavemen it works straight in 4 episodes had someone try in France it works outside the UK

Walking With Cavemen

Post 15

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

"To take the thread in a slightly different direction: looking for things on the cheap is good on an individual level, but it does rather mean less money to make more of the good stuff."

True. If I could afford it I would just buy it on DVD.

smiley - pirate

Walking With Cavemen

Post 16

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

Just to keep this as smiley - offtopic as possible, why do you assume that historians do not study acting?

Pure actors are also welcome to study history, but most of them are satisfied to just recite the lines that are written for them.

In the US I will present both Shelby Foote and Ken Burns as historians who are excellent presenters. I will add my personal friend 'Steve Abolt', who has spent the last four years filming specials for the centenary of the 'War of 1812'

When I do a 'Living History' presentation I spend as least as much time on my presentation as I have my study of the events.

F smiley - dolphin S

Walking With Cavemen

Post 17

Sho - employed again!

but also any actor worth their salt really researches for their role. Listen to Kenneth Brannagh talking about some of it (as an example). Plus he narrated Walking with Dinosaurs.

and to be completely beastly: I'd like a ferrari but I can't afford one... smiley - smiley

Walking With Cavemen

Post 18

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

"No, but while we're giving other replies, annoying as they might be, they do at least bump the thread."

Sorry, I wasn't annoyed and I didn't mean to offend. Just looking for an answer is all.

"Just to keep this as smiley - offtopic as possible, why do you assume that historians do not study acting?"

smiley - raisedeyebrow I didn't. I was only defending actors as being suitable documentary hosts.

Why is everyone making assumptions about my motives?

"Pure actors are also welcome to study history, but most of them are satisfied to just recite the lines that are written for them."

Gee, thanks for taking such an enlightened view. I'm sure all the people who portray your heroes in film and television will be happy to know you appreciate all the time and effort they put into creating them.

As someone who dual-majored in both acting and history in college, I can tell you from personal experience that acting is much harder work than you seem to think it is. Harder for me, indeed, than I ever found history to be.

smiley - pirate

Walking With Cavemen

Post 19


I bet the cavemen would also like a Ferrari. All that walking gets tiresome.

Walking With Cavemen

Post 20

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

I am sorry Mr X, I did not mean to offend. That is why I said 'most' as I know there are many excellent exceptions, I think Kenneth Brannagh's presentation of Henry V is one of the best films ever made.

I hope someone can find a link to the 'cavemen' film as I would also enjoy viewing it.

F smiley - dolphin S

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