A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Deathlist 2012 - not on the list

Post 101

Icy North

His name vas not on ze list. smiley - rose

Deathlist 2012 - not on the list

Post 102

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - musicalnoteRobert Sherman, half of the double Oscar-winning Sherman Brothers, co-writer of, among others, Supercalifragilisticexpialido​cious!

smiley - rose

Deathlist 2012 - not on the list

Post 103


Norman St-John Stevas - now there was a rare (now rarer) breed.

Seldom can the words 'good bloke' and 'Tory MP' be used in the same sentence without irony.

Deathlist 2012 - not on the list

Post 104


Comedian Pierre Tornade smiley - rose

http://www.lepoint.fr/culture/deces-du-comedien-pierre-tornade-07-03-2012-1438694_3.php [fr]

A most remarkable voice from my childhood has fallen silent smiley - cry

Deathlist 2012 - not on the list

Post 105


Yes, saw that too. smiley - sadface
smiley - rose

Deathlist 2012 - not on the list

Post 106


Legendary comics creator Jean Giraud, AKA Moebius.


smiley - rose


Post 107

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

This post has been removed.

Deathlist 2012 - not on the list

Post 108

Icy North

I'd rather they hadn't shown that, GB

smiley - rose

Deathlist 2012 - not on the list

Post 109

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

That will teach me to click the video link, before I post the link smiley - sadface

I am sorry smiley - blue

Deathlist 2012 - not on the list

Post 110

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Nick Zoricic, 29, Canadian skier, killed during a race.

smiley - rose

Deathlist 2012 - not on the list

Post 111

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Nobel prizewinner Professor Sherwood Rowlandsmiley - rose


Deathlist 2012 - not on the list

Post 112

Icy North

Jocky Wilson smiley - rose


I always got him confused with Jackie Wilson. I wonder if the Commodores might be persuaded to re-release Night Shift?

Jocky (Jocky), hey what'you doing now
It seems like yesterday
When you were checking out

Deathlist 2012 - not on the list

Post 113

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

Jocky Wilson: smiley - rose


His most 'famous' appearance:


Deathlist 2012 - not on the list

Post 114

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

smiley - simpost

Deathlist 2012 - not on the list

Post 115


Don't worry Magwitch...that was probably the last time Jocky had double-bottom.smiley - winkeye

Deathlist 2012 - not on the list

Post 116

RadoxTheGreen - Retired

smiley - book

Deathlist 2012 - not on the list

Post 117

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...


Jim Marshall, founder of Marshall amplification.

smiley - musicalnotesmiley - rose

Deathlist 2012 - not on the list

Post 118


I think we need a minutes noise to remember Jim by...and we'll crank it all the way up to 11.

Deathlist 2012 - not on the list

Post 119

Icy North

Thanks for feeding this back to us, Mr D. smiley - rose

Deathlist 2012 - not on the list

Post 120


Film maker Claude Miller smiley - rose


smiley - thief

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