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Portal 2: Video Game Perfection?

Post 21

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

Only played co-op so far but :D it's awesome! loving the new "edgeless safety cube" and the laser cubes, just got to the crazy movable bridges. Want a go at single player but i REALLY need to get on with my Sociology coursework smiley - sigh

minismiley - mouse

Portal 2: Video Game Perfection?

Post 22


Finished the single player of Portal 2 - superb...Merchant's annoying persona worked perfectly for the part. The 'narrative' to bring in the different puzzles was superb. Here's to Portal 3...as long as it doesn;t hold up Half Life 3...

Portal 2: Video Game Perfection?

Post 23

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Yeah valve have really missed the point of "episodic" content haven't they. Episode 3 does not even have an ETA yet does it. Episodes 1 and 2 came out four bloody years a go. Most games game a full featured sequal in that time.


Portal 2: Video Game Perfection?

Post 24


It will be made...unlike Duke Nuke 'Em...I'm happy to wait for it.

Portal 2: Video Game Perfection?

Post 25

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

For sure, the best things come.... and all that. And TBH we are being spoiled this year. 2011 may be looking like a pretty dire year in the cinemas but it is shaping up to ve a fine vintage in Video games.

Can't wait for LA Noire. Loads of New Vegas DLC announced. And the big one Skyrim.

I also think the last part of Ezio's story in Assassins Creed is coming out in autumn. Yaya!

Loads of sleep missed coming right up. I might even take a week of annual leave for Skyrim!


Portal 2: Video Game Perfection?

Post 26


Yes I heard it's another Ezio episode for Assassins Creed...not a bad thing...presumably either it will be the end or they are trying to find somewhere else later in history with lots of climby buildings. Not yet finished Brotherhood so no spoilers!

Portal 2: Video Game Perfection?

Post 27

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

No spoilers. Assassins Creed 3 arc will be around Revolutionary France. Which I think will be cracking.


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