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Do you like sprouts?

Post 21


Oh I like pate, but I'm not allowed to eat it at the moment as I'm pregnant (don't ask why, I have no idea, just following doctors orders) Okay, so I don't like liver, but I do like liquidised liver.

Do you like sprouts?

Post 22


Liver can vary quite a bit, depending on the initial quality, the preparation, and how it's cooked. Treated badly, it can end up like vulcanised rubber.

When I was a student I used to make a rather tasty casserole with lamb's liver - I found the best way to prepare it was to tear it into small pieces with my fingers, separating out the veins, arteries and any covering skin, and making sure I only cooked the good stuff. However, when starting it off in the frying pan, I found it was one of those things (like mushrooms) that it's very easy to snack on while cooking, and often I'd end up eating half of what I started with before it made it into the oven.

Do you like sprouts?

Post 23


Sorry if I offend eveyone, but I think anyone who can eat tongue is really sick. Yuk!! Yuk!! Yuk!! - I can't even look at it in the butcher. smiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfacesmiley - sadface

Do you like sprouts?

Post 24


Yeugh I agree! What does it taste like? I imagine it would be really chewy.

Do you like sprouts?

Post 25

Niz (soon to be gone)

My favourite internal organ for eating has to be Lambs heart stuffed with sage & onion cooked in the oven....mmmm...pass the gravy smiley - bigeyes

Do you like sprouts?

Post 26


On holiday, one of my sons at octopus tentacles - it was really gross. He said it was just like very chewy chicken, I'd rather just stick to chicken!!

Do you like sprouts?

Post 27

Niz (soon to be gone)

Just another thought, arn't animals great for eating....mmmm

Do you like sprouts?

Post 28


I tried fried squid when I was on holiday and although edible (and yes very chewy) I wouldn't rush to order it again.
I still find it rather strange that my dislikes are so few. I'm not a very adventurous eater, I have no choice at home as my husband is a very picky eater. He hates eggs, pasta and cheese just to name a few so I tend to skip cooking all together!

Do you like sprouts?

Post 29


Pate with crushed black peppercorns, yum. But then you need champagne.

Do you like sprouts?

Post 30

Klaxon the ever optimisticured

When I first read the topic I thought "yeah llllluuuuuvvvvv 'em" but on reading further realised that what was being spoken of was brussel sprouts which are mentioned in the Bible under the category "hissings and abominations". I would not be surprised to find the road to hell being paved with brussels sprouts - yeuch !!

The ones I was thinking of were the freshly germinated seeds of various legumes - if you want know how to grow them let me know. My favourite is lentil with lucerne (alfalfa to those across the ocean) a close second. They're great in salads, stir fries, smothered in yogurt or just eaten straight.

And to make liver pate on toast in really something try a heavy sprinkling of sprouts on top - just not the brussels type.

Do you like sprouts?

Post 31

Brian of Bourne

Anyone tried ostrich yet.
It's OK.
Not a bit like chicken.

Do you like sprouts?

Post 32


Yes, ostrich is delicious, they farm them near where I live and sell it in the local butcher.

My favourite thing (or one of them) is very thinly sliced, smoked tuna. It is fantastic, but I've yet to find it in England.

Do you like sprouts?

Post 33

Brian of Bourne

I just knew you'd tried ostrich.

Do you like sprouts?

Post 34

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

Crocodile's good too, just don't eat it if you suffer from PMS. In your case Tiger Lily, you're OK for several months!!!!

Do you like sprouts?

Post 35


What does it taste like then, fish or meat? (or the obvious - chicken)

Do you like sprouts?

Post 36


Crocodile is actually alot like fish but - dare i say it- with a bit of a chickenish flavour - but definatley a fish texture.
Camel is pretty good, when prepared by the right chef of course

back to the Brussel sprout thing... I often wondered why as a child i hated them, but these days they're not so bad - i just put it down on the long list of things kids dont like that adults do, but then i went to university as had a lecture from a guy (who's name is actually avoiding me at the moment) who has dedicated his scientific life to making the humble brussel sprout more palatable. He works at the Waite Campus of the Adelaide University (australia) and has spent probably the last 20 or 30 years working on making sprouts tastier. He has found the gene that coded for the protein that made them smell yuck and therefore taste yuck and has been doing all manner of plant breeding to try and breed it out - no genetic engineering as yet (as far as I know) but an extremely fascinating lecture nonetheless.

Imagine spending your lifes work making something like the sprout taste yummier - all of those of you out there who haven't had one for a while because you thought you hated them, go and buy some - just a few- and cook them very lightly (say 1 mintue in the microwave) and out just a smidge of butter on them and try them again - you just might be surprised - and after all this guy has sent so much time trying to make them better its the least you can do to try them again

I vote give the brussel sprout - the benefit of the doubt

(hey that rhymed!!!)
Give it another go..

Do you like sprouts?

Post 37


On my last birthday I had Kangaroo (from a restraint), cooked very quickly with a tangy hot spice on top. It was delicious. I know the chef and I joked about road kill and all that but it was superbly cooked. This guy use to cook in a big hotel in Darwin, they have it a lot more up there, and my sister cooks it to for her camping tourists. I would recommend it to anyone who eats meat, and its not the least bit game. I think they should be farmed and harvested properly.

Tigerlilly, when I was pregnant, many many years ago the doctor use to insist that I eat liver, and my sister in law would always make pate when pregnant and share it, she use to make too much. I loved it Pate on toast for brekkie yummy. So ask him again and make sure it really is a no no. smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley


Do you like sprouts?

Post 38


When my brother and some friends became lost in the jungle in Borneo, they ran out of food and swapped some tins of Fosters with some food from the locals - they ended up eating barbecued snake and monkey - he said the snake was extremely tough but the monkey was very tasty although he had some serious misgivings about eating it as he felt it was a little too close to cannibalism.

Do you like sprouts?

Post 39

Niz (soon to be gone)

I heard some years ago that your taste in food evolves constantly throughout your life which goes to explain why some people hated certain foods as kids and then try the same food years later to find that they enjoy it! Can anyone confirm or destroy this crazy thang I might of heard?smiley - bigeyes

Do you like sprouts?

Post 40


i would have to say that's probably fairly true, apart from where Marmite is concerned. its just nasty. every few years i try it, or Twiglets, again in some misguided belief that it might not be as bad as i remember. then i spend the next ten minutes trying to get the taste out my mouth. nasty nasty nasty.
oh and am i the only person in the world who thinks that eating cooked mushrooms just feels like you're chewing on slugs?

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