A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Anyone know where I can get a proper* Large* bread tin/pan? (UK centrick).

Post 21

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Thought so smiley - magic may try that next time, as I'm going to have to make quite* a lot of dough when the new bread tin arrives to ensure I've enough for it; if I aim to overshoot the amount I need, then I'll hopefully definately have enough for the tin, and probably some left over, which can go into makeing rolls or baguettes smiley - drool

Anyone know where I can get a proper* Large* bread tin/pan? (UK centrick).

Post 22

a visitor to planet earth

Made my first bread for several years. No bread tin just a baking sheet.
Put the dough on it round shape, after it had risen to more than double.
The bread was delicious nice and soft, used 3 table spoons of oil in recipe instead of butter or fat.

Anyone know where I can get a proper* Large* bread tin/pan? (UK centrick).

Post 23

Malabarista - now with added pony

Try letting it rise in a floured bowl/basket and then taking it out to bake, that's traditional in some areas of Germany...

Anyone know where I can get a proper* Large* bread tin/pan? (UK centrick).

Post 24

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I mainly seem to be making rolls and baguettes recently... So haven't actually used the large bread tin for ages... Though sometimes its good to get nice big square slices for sandwichs, or just for toasting smiley - drool mind, the rolls toast so well I think they seem to do in place of a loaf smiley - drool (made four baguettes and eight rolls today using a two day old pre-ferment smiley - drool ) smiley - blush

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