A Conversation for Ask h2g2

sock puppet?

Post 121


Ah okay, so *stupid* was next, after being called a lying Muslim and a nazi sympathizer . . . most imaginative, RR.

Anyhow, nope - I'm not stupid either.

Well, I suppose if you had any reasoned arguments to make on this thread you would be doing so rather than just insulting people.


sock puppet?

Post 122

Noggin the Nog

smiley - applause

sock puppet?

Post 123

Rocket Rod

Go away Donald or get invoved
IOW shut up or sit down


Post 124



Which of the following ‘us’ against ‘them’ conflicts were fought on religious grounds?

20th Century War – Death Toll from major conflicts.

Russian Civil War 9,000,000.
Soviet Union under Stalin – 20,000,000.
WW1 - 15,000,000.
WW2 - 55,000,000.
Chinese Civil War –2,500,000.
PPRC – Mao Zedong – 40,000,000.
Tibet – Chinese Occupation – 1,200,000.

Total 142,700,000.

sock puppet?

Post 125

Noggin the Nog

Okay, let's go back to square one and try for some reasoned debate.

Rocket, what exactly is your beef with Islam in general (as opposed to it's lunatic fringe, whose activities no one here as applauded or defended.)? What makes Islam in general so much more dangerous than say having Christian fundamentalists in the White House? What concrete signs are there that whatever it is you fear is ctually happening?


sock puppet?

Post 126

I am Donald Sutherland

>> Go away Donald or get invoved <<

I am involved. Read the backlog!

However, banging my head on a brickwall is not something I am fond of doing.


sock puppet?

Post 127

Rocket Rod

"Rocket, what exactly is your beef with Islam in general (as opposed to it's lunatic fringe, whose activities no one here as applauded or defended.)?"

Do you know nothing about Islam and the Koran?
Do you know nothing about GOOGLE?
In Holland there are about1000000 muslims, the Dutch govt. says 95% are moderate.
That leaves 50000 radicals

If someone says they are out to kill me, I'll take it serious.
After 30 years working in SE Asia and Sub-saharan Africa,I beleive them.
If you think otherwise you die rather quickly.
I've never been attacked by rabid buddists or preaching pentacostals, I do however have several scars from brushes with muslims.
They're only scars and I'm still alive(draw your own conclusion)

If you don't fight you lose

sock puppet?

Post 128

Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2

I have read the whole of this thread and others of a similar nature all across the internet.

I've come to the conclusion that there is a new substitution for religion on the block.

It's called Paranoia.

smiley - tea

sock puppet?

Post 129

I am Donald Sutherland

So you were attacked by a handful of Muslims. Does that make them all wanting to attack you? Was it you personally they were attacking or what you represented?

I have never been attacked by a Muslim, but I have fought alongside Muslims. Jordania, Iranian, Pakistani and Omani Muslims where Christians were the monority. It was communists that were the problem in that instance.

However, a group of Catholic Irishmen did spend a lot of time trying to kill me. They failed but did succeed with some of my comrades and I do have the scares to prove it. But that doesn't mean I want to fight every Catholic Irishman in the World - that *would* be stupid.


sock puppet?

Post 130


I did what you sugested Rocket Rod and did some google-ing.

since you said that were an Australian Aborigini, I decided to look at Australian population stats.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics there were:

Approximately 281,600 muslims living in Australia in 2001 (out of a total Australian population of approx. 19.6 million), representing 1.5% of the population. Now unless there has been a massive jump in the muslim population over the last few years, i doubt that muslims are taking over Australia.

Statistc source:
http://www.abs.gov.au/Ausstats/[email protected]/0/9658217eba753c2cca256cae00053fa3?OpenDocument

Rocket Rod, you seem to have go this idea that Muslims emmigrated for the sole purpose of enslaving the rest of the world with their laws. Now when I was talking to some muslims I know, one of the main reasons that they or their parents moved to non-islamic countries like the UK, was to get away from the same laws.

sock puppet?

Post 131

Mu Beta

Some URL, in clickable form:



sock puppet?

Post 132


Nuts, that link didn't work. smiley - weird

Thanks Master B smiley - cheers

sock puppet?

Post 133

I am Donald Sutherland

A few days ago I was watching an Asian gentleman on the television describing what it was like to live in the UK as Muslim. He went on to describe a train journey through London. This journey took place in the afternoon, just about the time children were going home from school.

Children where getting on and off the train, chattering and rushing about as school children do. What was amazing, he went on to say, was that these children where from all kinds of ethnic backgrounds, with no sign of any disagreement between them, just doing what children do.

Nowhere else he said, I have I seen this and that is what is good about the UK.

As I said earlier, if you look around you, there is a different tale to be told. Just learn to separate paranoid propaganda from the truth.


sock puppet?

Post 134

Mister Matty

"Rocket Rod, you seem to have go this idea that Muslims emmigrated for the sole purpose of enslaving the rest of the world with their laws. Now when I was talking to some muslims I know, one of the main reasons that they or their parents moved to non-islamic countries like the UK, was to get away from the same laws."

The accusations being made against Muslims in general at the moment (largely by the far and extreme right) are pretty much identical to the objections made about Jews by the same political groupings before the holocaust made that sort of thing unfashionable.

Religious fundamentalism is, along with nazism and stalinism, one of the great political evils. And there's no doubting that the Islamic religion has more of a problem with it than Christianity or Judeaism does at the start of the 21st century. However, lazily grouping an entire religion along with it's lunatic fringe isn't just racist and unfair, it's terminally stupid since it pushes Islam's moderate co-religionists into the hands of extremists in the face of obvious hostility.

tolerance and all that...

Post 135

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

Just bookmarking really (yes, there is a reason az smiley - winkeye)

But I did want to draw attention to the <./>House Rules</.> for those that have forgotten about them. I didn't yikes the post earlier in this thread, but I will if it degenerates again into personal abuse. Please note the points on trolling, flamming, and abusive posting.

I'm not generally in favour of yikesing opinion, but I really don't see why I should have to read through people abusing each other (having just read the last 50 or so posts and finding it unnecessarily unpleasant).


tolerance and all that...

Post 136


.....can't argue with that.
.....I have been called a liar for expressing an opinion.
.....it has also been suggested that I knew something about a bomb explosion, how on earth I am supposed to know about an incident I didn't even know happend is beyond me!!
.....I have nothing against people disagreeing with me, but making vague suggestions about terrorism involvements and calling someone a liar would be actionable legally off here, so I don't see why it is acceptable on here because someone can hide behind a false name!!

tolerance and all that...

Post 137


Hi everyone,could`nt get to the computer,over the last day or so,and i`m off to Southampton,for a week this morning,so this will be my my
1st and only posting of the week,my original posting about Muhammed was
my first to the site,and I`m amazed,really ,how many twists and turns it has taken,people have put pieces,on this particular story,and other stories that I had no idea about,and now I do...
pedro7;godben;ged;hoo;rfjs;donald;king bomba;kea;saturine;noggin
paisley;....azahar....and of course...blickybadger.
many thanks for the education.

Kill Whitey.

Post 138

badger party tony party green party

Listening to what you have been preaching lately has set me thinking thanks Rocket Rod and SSG. smiley - ok

Relgiong is a hard thing to pin down there are too many dissemblers who say they arent a certain religion when they are. Even without all the frauds and fakers you could find a black muslim like Chuck D from Public Enemy (a band I used to like but now hate because you have instructed me to hate them as they are peadophiles and terrorists who despite all those records about civil rights and freedom from oppression want nothing more than to enslave the world and force every man to have sex with children) and you couldnt tell someone like hinm from a black atheist like me. If we went to Nigeria how could we tell an Nigerian Christian froma Nigerian Muslim?

Also there are white Muslims, like you guys say they must hate their own culture and would be better off commiting suicide. Never mind when we guys start fighting them we will save them the trouble of commiting suicide shant we.

Ive been doing some serious thinking though about history and the violence in the world that you have opened my eyes too and Ive come to a conclusion.

Sure in the past more Chritians have died at the hand s of Christians and the same is true now. The exact same thing goes for Muslims they have killed more of each other than we could in a year. Sadaam was doing us a big favour with his poison gas maybe they should let him out to really get the Muslim body count up into the millions in Iraq.

Lookking at things objectively though the biggest number of one group killing another group in this world is white people killing black people.

So lets kill whitey its the only thing that makes sense. Bush, Hitler, Cromwell, ALL the Popes, ALL the Roman Emporers, Moses (he's white in the films, a lot of histories mass murderes were white. They have killed millions on every inhabited continent in the world they are a homicidal bunch of maniacs bent on world domination. They are not even huma they are a virus an off shoot of the original black man of Africa.

The only way to make this world safe is by killing all the white people.

who's with me?

fight or die

one hate smiley - grr

tolerance and all that...

Post 139

badger party tony party green party

".....I have been called a liar for expressing an opinion.smiley - book

Well when its an opinion like this:

"hey we are having a ''season'' next year, not Christmas incase it offendssmiley - book

Despite the fact that it will be regarded by some as a season *you* the one Im calling a liar will still be calling it Christmas. As will millions of other people in this country. Why should I apologize for calling a liar a liar?

However if you want Im sure you can find some right wing Christian group or the BNP maybe UKIP who will financially support you in bringing a civil case for defamation of character against me for calling you a liar.

".....it has also been suggested that I knew something about a bomb explosion, how on earth I am supposed to know about an incident I didn't even know happend is beyond me!!smiley - book

Are you refering to this exchange between me and Rocket?

"Do you see rampant buddists or pentacostals blowing up disco's or bus stops? Take a look fool, I call you a fool 'cause only a fool feeds the crocodile hoping to to be the last to be eaten, and you will be eaten!smiley - book

Yes Ive seen people of other religons blowing up bus stops there was a terrorist attack by a christian group in Birmingham just a few years ago. Do you think we should ask Strangely why his lot did that or if he was involved?smiley - book

How is that in the eyes of anyone with eyes suggesting that you knew anything about terrorist bombings?

I said that we should ask you that's all. Calm down its only a thread, dear.

Anyway if you want to get upset about anything it should be the impending white holocaust.

one hate smiley - grr

tolerance and all that...

Post 140


.....you can't help it can you?
.....now if you had said suggesting we would be having a season next year was silly, that I could understand, but a liar? That is just ridiculose...even Tony Blair sent out Xmas cards with season on them this year, and I have noticed a general lean towards calling things season not Christmas already, a T.V channel for example. And your even suggesting B.N.P should fund a law suit against for calling me a liar....again, it appears your trying to slur me by association....surely a little thought before saying things is called for...I have said nothing unpleasant like that.
And by bringing up a bomb explosion I didn't know happened is the same sort of thing as you well know....trying to imply I knew something about it, which is simply ludicross!

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