A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Abs and Acs

Post 1

C Hawke

OK we are all familar with the standard e-mails abreviations and acroynms (Abs and Acs or A&A), but has H2G2 actually generated any new ones that just relate to our little (25K) comunity?


Abs and Acs

Post 2

E'dalethni II

That's easy.


As far as any others are concerned, I don't know.
Many times people use A&A, as you call them, without even noticing, just like you did in your post.

Abs and Acs

Post 3

C Hawke

Since original post I have found one on the H2G2 addicts service at http://www.h2g2.com/forumframe.cgi?forum=19618&thread=24996:

UPR - UnPublished Researcher.

We certainly are pushing out the bondaries.


Abs and Acs

Post 4


Uhm... We are?

Abs and Acs

Post 5


Is there a better answer to this question, now that there's been twenty years to develop a vocabulary?

The obvious one that springs to mind is "hootoo".

I doubt anyone left here remembers the SBVM. Blaming 2legs seems to be a thing, and nighthoover was (is?) too.

Just curious...

Abs and Acs

Post 6

SashaQ - happysad

I hang out in PR, and I'm a Sub and an Ed smiley - ok

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