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What are baby rabbits called?

Post 41

Dorothy Outta Kansas

I love the idea of mini-guinea-pigs being called boar and sow! Does that mean that male undomesticated guinea-pigs are wild boar? How many people does it take to hunt a guinea pig?

Answers on a postcard, please!

x x Fenny (UT)

What are baby rabbits called?

Post 42


once visited an old big house in the southern states of the US and the lady told us they used to keep guinea pigs in the garden just roaming freely.

What are baby rabbits called?

Post 43

London Girl

Does anyone know if Baby Hamsters have another name??

What are baby rabbits called?

Post 44


Embryos? smiley - winkeye

What are baby rabbits called?

Post 45

London Girl

smiley - coolsmiley - laugh

What are baby rabbits called?

Post 46


smiley - biggrin

What are baby rabbits called?

Post 47

London Girl

Knowing my luck theyr'e just called Baby Hamsters!!!

and i'm gonna look stoopid for asking the question...LoL smiley - laugh

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