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D*gged does it

Post 6921

Gnomon - time to move on

I always spell it 'under way' and never thought about the origin of it. I assumed it was connected with 'on my way', but never thought about why it was 'under'.

Make way

Post 6922


Definitely nautical, TC.
What we need is ~jwf~
He's the nautiest person around here.

Make way

Post 6923


OED Compact:
Naut. Dutch onderweg. On the way.
Having begun to move through the water. Often spelt under *weigh* from erroneous association with weigh anchor.

Being a member of the Fathers' Union I am sorry to disagree with your father, but ...

D*gged does it

Post 6924


OED has "a common variation of 'under way' , from erroneous association with the phr. 'to weigh anchor'." They give the earliest example at 1785.
For "under way" they have:

"Naut. [ad. Du. 'onderweg' (also '-wegen') on the way, under way, f. 'onder' under, in the course of, etc. + 'weg' (dat. pl. 'wegen') way.] Of a vessel: Having begun to move through the water." The give the earliest example at 1743.

It is well worth the read to look at the multiple page entry on "Way". There are a number of nautical uses having to do with the course of the ship and the wake of the ship and other things.

Does this help?

D*gged does it

Post 6925


simulpost.smiley - steamI strained my eyes on my microscopic OED for nothing.

Make way

Post 6926


I used a magnifying glass, in addition to my wife's reading glasses and more help than I needed from a poorly cat on my lap.
Does that count as cheating?
smiley - smiley

Make way

Post 6927


I used the magnifying glass as well. It still hurt. That bloody way entry is about 14 pages long!

I never used to have to use the magnifying glass.

Make way

Post 6928

Wand'rin star

I'm glad I wasn't around earlier as I'm definitely one to spell it "weigh" under the erroneous impression.... I would have been quite definite about it too. smiley - starsmiley - star


Post 6929

Wand'rin star

is the way one of my colleagues (from Canada) regularly spells this. Is it in general use?
smiley - starsmiley - star extraordinarily proud that she can still manage withour glasses / specs. Which of those terms do you use?


Post 6930


I'd use "under way".


Post 6931

Gnomon - time to move on

As far as I know, a Segway is a little motorised pogo stick on wheels. A segue, pronounced the same, is a smooth transition from one musical number into the next.


Post 6932

Wand'rin star

and that's what Kira is using it to mean! smiley - starsmiley - star who is thinking of adding it to her written diiolect.


Post 6933

Gnomon - time to move on

The Segway was also known as "Ginger" for a long time, in the series of teaser adds "What is Ginger?".


Post 6934

Wand'rin star

That's even better! "We'll now ginger into our next revision topic". I'll let you know how long it takes to spot the usage in anyone else's speech smiley - starsmiley - star


Post 6935

You can call me TC

If the word "to ginger" existed, I would imagine it being more of a mince than a pogo hop.

Am I right in thinking "To ginger up" does exist. If not, it would be a good alternative to "to spice up".

*tootles off, singing 'Spice up your life'*


Post 6936

logicus tracticus philosophicus

smiley - winkeye"nothing fits better than a quike fit fitter"smiley - biggrin


Post 6937

Gnomon - time to move on

Wand'rin Star, are you trying to deliberately mislead your students or did you misunderstand me?


Post 6938

Wand'rin star

Both smiley - smiley- it's being a tough term. I have to get my amusement where I find it.smiley - starsmiley - star


Post 6939

Gnomon - time to move on

Gingering on to the next subject,

is British Ginger hair the same colour as Irish Red hair?


Post 6940

Wand'rin star

The only Irish redhead I know well is definitely ginger. But I thought Irish red meant auburn - the colour of an Irish setter smiley - starsmiley - star

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